• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

Here we are again. I can't believe how fast the time goes by anymore. My pops always said the older you get the faster it passes us by.

I am especially excited about this year, I'm going to try and cross a couple of peppers, on purpose! Haven't made the final decisions yet though.

Anyway, here's a few that I overwintered. The one on the left came from a 7 Pod Barrackpore cutting. It struggled for a bit but the roots are starting to grow so I'm hopeful. Center front is a "large" 7 Pod, center rear was a very robust Dorset Naga and the one on the right is a 7 Pod Primo. The latter three I removed from 5-7 gal pots, trimmed the roots and cut them down to just the stem. They sat in my foyer where they got some limited sunlight through a window. I'm very happy with them.


This is the first tray of seeds I stuck in coco coir last night. I've had success before with this medium as a seed starting mix so see no reason to change. It is nutrient poor so I start using fertilizer at an early stage in the plants life, at a very reduced rate.


Here is what I've started so far:

7 Pod, Brain Strain PRF…………………………..………........ 5
7 Pod, Brown Judy………………………………..………............ 6
Bhut Jolokia, Yellow…………………………………..………........ 5
Pimenta Tiger, AISPES004...................... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Butch T Judy…………….………...... 8
Trinidad Scorpion, Chocolate AISPES108…....……. 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Morouga HSC……………….……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow AISPES109..……....... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow 2 SS………………….………..... 5
Trinidad Scorpion, Yellow Morouga AISPES107...…3

Not all of them are in the photo.

They are on a cookie sheet which is on a heat pad. Current temp in the coco coir varies from 75F - 80F. I would like it warmer and may mess with the heating pad settings. I plan on picking up a couple of heat mats tomorrow for more trays.

I have several other varieties to get started and would like to keep my total at under 90 plants.

Here we go! :woohoo:
This is the fabled MadballZ cross. Got three of these going with two showing pods. The pods are very wrinkled similar to Bhut Jolokia peppers.

Interesting I have never heard of this cross, could someone tell me what it is and maybe where I could trade for some seeds or buy them?
Hey Patrick what a rebound. Everything coming along strong dude.
Madballz taking its shape too.
Heres a couple of picks of mine this year. Sorry for the fuzzyness...the wifes camera sucks. cant find mine?

Just returned home from my annual pilgrimage to Tucson AZ, the tarantula capital of North America, and the celebration us spider geeks go through this time of year. Had the ex watering the plants and I have to say she did a great job. Not sure why I'm sucking up she's never been on this site.

Anyway there were a few ripe pods waiting to be picked and this is about the earliest in the season I've ever gotten any.

These are the Espelette peppers. Supposedly the same heat wise as a jalapeno but haven't tried one yet.


These are Bih Jolokia orange. They have the most citrussy, fruity smell of any pepper I've ever smelled. Taste is right there too. Heat isn't the same as a Bhut Jolokia but it isn't that far off. I'm thinking I may have a new favorite pepper.


The hail hit them pretty hard but they are coming back strong. One of them is loaded with pods for the size of it.

Madman thanks a bunch for posting the pic of the MadBallZ plant you're growing. Mine look exactly the same. Here's one of the better ones for comparison.


Do they ripen red?

More to come.....
Here's a new and funky looking monster. This is obviously a cross of some type. Seeds came from a 7 Pod Jonah I grew last year. I'm really stumped at the moment to think what it may have crossed with.




The pods are extremely firm and have some weight to them, unlike a regular 7 Pod Jonah they don't sound hollow when thumped. I'm going to keep an eye on this plant.

More to come...
This is the little 7 Pod Primo that just wouldn't quit. This baby is already one of my favorites.




It's barely 18 inches tall and dang near as wide.

Still more to come.....
And finally a few odds and ends to show.

Out of the three AISPES Trinidad Scorpion Morouga yellow plants I have growing this is the only pod so far. Got lots of little buds beginning though and plenty of time yet. I am really wanting these to be successful. I should have held something up next to it for a size comparison. It is larger than a golf ball.


7 Pod Barrackpore


Bih Jolokia orange almost ready to pick.


That's it for now, hope you enjoyed the show.
Those are some MEAN looking pods Patrick!!!! Wow that Jonah cross is awesome looking especially the one in the last picture. Did you grow any star fish peppers last year? Maybe a scorp cross? Beats me but whatever it is I bet its going to be a scorcher!
Fantastic pods and plants Patrick! Truly amazing JonahX too. Somewhere i read that the Bih is the best tasting of the Jolokias. Can't wait to get some of mine producing.

I would LOVE seeds from these pods. They look like a 7 pot Jonah x Scotch Bonnet to me. :) I'm looking forward to hearing what color they ripen to. Let me know please. Great plants!!


Here's a new and funky looking monster. This is obviously a cross of some type. Seeds came from a 7 Pod Jonah I grew last year. I'm really stumped at the moment to think what it may have crossed with.




The pods are extremely firm and have some weight to them, unlike a regular 7 Pod Jonah they don't sound hollow when thumped. I'm going to keep an eye on this plant.

More to come...
Awesome Patrick. I just got my first pods this week. A Martinique Hab and Peach Scorpalokia. I also got my plants shredded by hail day before yesterday. It was only pea sized but it shredded a lot the large leaves before I could get them under the eaves of the house. No where as bad as your hail incident but plants are ugly now. I do have to say the 1" of rain (First real rain since October) might have helped them more than the hail hurt them. Time will tell. Hey put me in line for a few seeds from your cool Jonah cross if you have extra seeds. Did you already isolate your AISPES plants or will that be later?
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Lazy I may be sending you one of those 7 Pod Jonah crosses, I know how much you love being the official THP Taste Tester. :)

Millman I think the darn things grow despite what I do to help.

JR they are indeed some tough SOB's.

capsidadburn say the word and I'll send you a couple of the Bih's.

THAT'S IT! Scotch Bonnet! I couldn't think of that name to save my life yesterday. Thanks Chris. Seeds are yours.

Congrats on your first pods Michael! I'm sure they'll be some of the best tasting peppers you've ever eaten. Sorry to hear about the hail, hope the damage isn't too bad. It's them little pea sized ones that do the most obvious damage to the leaves. Big stones knock the leaves off, them little bastages leave the leaf there looking like a victim of the St.Valentines Day Massacre as a constant reminder. Seeds are yours from the 7 Jonah cross. I just picked up my tulle to do the isolating so that's going to start in the next few days. Still wondering what the best way to go about it is though.

Thanks again for the comments guys.
Patrick, I am growing a regular Bih but not orange like you have. They look smooth. very Cool!. I would love to have a pod or two but I am most interested in the JonahX, like everyone else. I thought scotch bonnet as well. If you can spare, but if not that's OK. PM sent.

mido, apologies for not responding earlier. The MadBallz cross was grown by madhatter and Ballzworth last year, contact one of those guys to find out what the cross is as I can't seem to ever remember it. I would be happy to send you some seeds.

Kevin I agree with you, dang near as scary as one of Cappy's 7 Pod Brain Strain's or AISPES Trini Scorp Morouga yellow pods.

Mike, PM sent on the Bih and I'm happy to share seeds with all.