Paying it forward - Wicked Mike style

I have a huge seed surplus and I'm looking to give the entire collection away after taking out next year's hopefuls.    People on here have been so generous towards me (Wicked Mike was the first - what a stand up guy) and I would like to return the favor to this community.  I think there will be around 50+ varieties that I will just never grow.  Some are seeds I saved from amazing pods and most were purchased from vendors (pepperlover, buckeye, junglerain, etc...) but some I have been given.  I will keep this to Canada only as it is harder to get seeds up here without paying crazy shipping (look up PepeprNorth and Superhots Canada btw).
Just to name a few, here are some varieties that will be in the package:
7 pot white
7 pot peach
7 pot Barrackpore
7 pot Jonah x butch t
Chocolate bhutlah BOG
Bugglegum 7 pot
Carolina Reaper
Jonah x butch t
primo x butch T
mayan red x ghost
Butch T yellow
Primo yellow
7 Pot primo
and many more...
This will be a great starter for a new grower so entry rules are as follows:
Must have <100 posts.  That's it!  I will stop taking names at midnight on the 11th and draw from there.  Good luck.
I am a new Canadian grower and looking for new strains. This is my first year growing and we have just moved our plants this year under a 1000W HPS in hopes they will still fruit indoors over the winter, and maybe even have some monster overwinters for next year. We are also starting some of our seeds from this year already for the indoor so we can get these babies growing asap! I  spend several months down in southern Baja so I will have an indoor Canadian garden and an outdoor Mexican garden!
Will happily do the same for a new grower next year even if I am not picked! I have already had a great welcome from the community!
This was my first year growing peppers. I live in Vancouver and am finally able to harvest some of my superhots.  Everything I grew this year were seedlings picked up at local nurseries.  I have picked up a 4'X4' grow tent and plan to overwinter a couple as well as start seeds for next season.  I have an abreviated glog and have been trying to update with recent pics, but photo bucket isn't wanting to cooperate.
Thanks for the offer,