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Pepper ID please! :D

Hi everyone!

I got a handful of peppers from the afro carribean market near my home the other day. I am unsure what they are would anybody be able to hazrd a guess?



They are pretty hot, i think maybe bonnets or habs? I really dont know!?!

Thank you all

If they are from the Caribbean then they are probably not habs, and more likely some sort of bonnets or Congo, and I believe "Caribbean reds" are actually from Mexico
Aji Chombo said:
From what I've seen here in the UK, Afro-caribbean markets tend to sell a lot of scotch bonnets. Good stuff, and interesting colour on those.

Even the supermarkets have been selling ones like that for a while. The ones I got last week are a different shape though, same taste, just a random Chinense.

rainbowberry said:
Even the supermarkets have been selling ones like that for a while. The ones I got last week are a different shape though, same taste, just a random Chinense.


I was pleasantly surprised to see my local TESCO selling dried Anchos, Poblanos, Cascabels, and Habaneros. Mind you my 'local' TESCO is any one of seven in a two square mile area (they're like vermin).
Strange how Mexican peppers are marketed outside of Mexico. In Mexico dried poblanos are called anchos, and dried cascabels are called Guajones or Coras. I'm surprised there isn't a word for dried habaneros
rainbowberry said:
Where in Liverpool are you?

I'm smack in the city centre. Between work (just outside the city centre) and where I live (other side of the city centre. It's a 20 minute walk) there are 6 TESCO supermarkets. I think they manage to outcompete COSTA Coffee and STARBUCKS in presence! :shocked:

Strange how Mexican peppers are marketed outside of Mexico. In Mexico dried poblanos are called anchos, and dried cascabels are called Guajones or Coras. I'm surprised there isn't a word for dried habaneros

Yup. Just said 'dried habaneros'. It's like the chilli sauce I bought that just says on the back '35% chillies'. We have to play 'guess that pepper' by the photo the manufacturer puts on the label. :)
My brother has a L18 postcode up there, what's that, Mossley Hill way? He used to live in the famous Penny Lane, sounds nice but it's a dump really where half the kids have Asbo's and the cats no tails. I'm sure he's near Sefton Park though, as you can tell, me and my brother are dead close.

* Hoping you don't live in Penny Lane now I've said that *
rainbowberry said:
My brother has a L18 postcode up there, what's that, Mossley Hill way? He used to live in the famous Penny Lane, sounds nice but it's a dump really where half the kids have Asbo's and the cats no tails. I'm sure he's near Sefton Park though, as you can tell, me and my brother are dead close.

* Hoping you don't live in Penny Lane now I've said that *



Though I did live really close. At the other end of Penny Lane (Church Road). Penny Lane is actually fairly small as famous streets go. And it ends right at in the middle of Student Halls of Residence.

I think L18 is around that area. It's actually not that bad (well, part of that section).

They recently discovered an unexploded WWII bomb in the Sefton Park lake! :onfire:
Yeah that's where my brother was based at Uni not far from Penny Lane. I've just heard he's very near Sefton Park. I see from your profile that my Mum is in the same kind of work as you, she's a cataloging manager for a Library.
rainbowberry said:
Yeah that's where my brother was based at Uni not far from Penny Lane. I've just heard he's very near Sefton Park. I see from your profile that my Mum is in the same kind of work as you, she's a cataloging manager for a Library.

Not at the University of Liverpool library? ;)

Scousers are a hoot. But only proper scousers. They are a salt of the earth bunch and a lot of fun to hang around with. :)

'Scallies' on the other hand are nasty little creatures that keep their hands down their trousers (or track suit bottoms) at all times, wear hoodies as if showing your face in public was punishable by death (well...) and speak as if they learned 'The Queens English' by listening to a deflating tyre.

I've got quite a few southern friends, but I don't hold that against them :P (I shouldn't really. Among my friends I'm generally the most southern one...as my name gives away ;))

BTW, sorry about hijacking your thread Wurge.

BTWII: some of your those scotch bonnets look as though they've been 'perma-tanned'