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Peppers not Growing

I have a Super Cayanne II plant that has lots of peppers growing on it but... the peppers are really small they barely grow after the flower falls off

the biggest Chili is about 3/4 of an inch long and has been that big for about 2 weeks all the other ones are about half that size, Why would it do that?:?:
Might not be enough light, a nutrient deficiency which stunted the plant, or as ABurningMouth said might be an unstable cross.
the plant started off normal then the new leaves started to not grow to a very big size and the peppers are also small


thats from about a week ago ill get a new picture soon but its raining outside right now so maybie tommorow, but you can see some of the leaves at the top that arent very big it still has a few big leaves but no new big leaves are growing only small ones and small peppers.
now one of the small peppers is starting to ripen on the plant its only about 1/3rd an inch long theres about 3-5 peppers that arent growing from a small size , the other peppers are growing though now to normal size but a few are staying small. ill try the pepper when it turns red it's a little bit red now
A few of my early peppers are dwarfs too. I usually just pick them off as soon as I notice them and bigger ones will follow.
I am also growing the Super Cayenne II Hybrid and the peppers are 5-6" long...the leaves are not that big but it has a lot of them...it looks like your plant is stunted for one reason or another...have you checked the pH of your soil?...it looks like to me it could use something to eat and maybe a foliar feed of epsom salts....JMO...

I hit mine every two weeks with fertilize...again just what I do
what strength of fertilize (i.e. 10-10-10, 5-15-10, etc) and how often/how much are you giving them ?
wow mine are so thick looks like really tall bushes in my garden they are becoming cover with peppers but none are red yet nice pics though
AlabamaJack said:
what strength of fertilize (i.e. 10-10-10, 5-15-10, etc) and how often/how much are you giving them ?

i used 10-15-10 fertilizer last time, i didnt use to much and it was about a month ago :P
that is a good ratio fert....I would give them another shot of nutes at regular strength with some epsom salts (1 Tbsp per gallon)....I feed mine every 2 weeks...
I am having the same problem. This has been a wierd year for me. The last couple years my peppers have been very productive and easy to grow but this year sucks.

Most all of my C. Chinense varieties are doing the same thing you are talking about. I have some Naga Morich and Fatalii pods that have been 1/4" long for about 3 weeks now and no larger peppers showing. My Red Savinas have quite a few pods but they are all the size of a pea and not getting any larger. I have only one C. Chinense that seems to be growing normal size peppers and that is a Mustard Hab that was a very sick looking yellow leafed plant that has greened up somewhat and the pods are rapidly growing and over 1 and a 1/2" big in the last couple weeks. Most of the plants look fairly healthy and full now but just don`t seem to grow peppers.

Even my Annuum peppers are stunted in size. The plants are actually full and healthy looking, but the peppers are small. The Jalepenos and Serranos are loaded with pods for the last few weeks but they are about half the size they should be.

Me not knowing !!!!!

Been doing some mild soluble fertz and epsom salt waterings.

Might try removing all the stunted fruits like POTAWIE suggests. I`ve tried everything else I can think of.
Like Tomatoes, if they are not polinated enough only a few seeds form and the Pod size is small...

I think if they get polinated more, you will get more seeds, and a larger pod. Obviously this doesnt go on forever, and you reach a plato.

Maybe this is whats happening to your peppers? Some kind of fertility problem.

Maybe try hand polinating? Take some fallen off flowers, bend the petals back and down to snap them off, and gently rub this inside an open flower.
so RickahrK..you are saying the more seeds the bigger the pepper?...

never heard that before...
AlabamaJack said:
so RickahrK..you are saying the more seeds the bigger the pepper?...

never heard that before...

It does this with Tomatoes, if only part of the Stigma gets pollen then the fruit will only fill out in the areas where there are seeds.

I had some Orange habs growing inside that only got polinated on one side and some that just barely got polinated, the pods never grew long like the rest, and when I cut them open I would only see seeds on one side, or just three or four seeds total.

I'd imagine, if there were more developed seeds in there, the pod would have grown bigger to accommodate them. So Obviously they wont get bigger than the maximum amount of seeds they can contain. And if there are very few developed seeds, the pod grows only enough to accommodate those seeds.

And I found this quote from the following site

Pollination often suffers when temperatures are hot. Flowers may not be pollinated at all or they may have only partial pollination. Most commonly effected are bell peppers and squash. On bell peppers, fruit often develops misshapen and small. Cutting the pepper open reveals a definate lack of seed.

I can personally vouch for the bell pepper results of incomplete fertilization. I wasn't getting any peppers, so I began hand pollinating. The first results gave me deformed fruit (using a Q-tip) then I switched to a tiny paint brush - like for model painting - and I'm getting regular peppers now.
Here's some pics of a deformed pepper I had last month.

click thru
I was not disputing, just saying I had never heard that...you learn something new every day...