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Piri Piri

I lived in Portugal for a couple of years and grew found of Piri Piri. I'm back in the States now and can't get my Piri Piri fix, so I am interested in growing some. I have 2 questions:

1. What is true Piri Piri?

Wikipedia says Piri Piri and African Devil are the same: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_piri

The chileman.org seems to think they are different species:
Piri Pirip: http://www.thechileman.org/results.php?chile=1&find=piri&heat=Any&origin=Any&genus=Any&submit=Search
African Devil: http://www.thechileman.org/results....ny&origin=Any&genus=Any&chile=1&submit=Search

2. Where can I get some Piri Piri seeds? I'd like something as close as I can get to what is grown in Portugal.

Thank you all for your help!
Welcome to the forum- Can't help on what's the most authentic. and I'd kick you some seeds if I had any, maybe some one else might. I remember a Rainbowchiliseeds.com having some Portugese varieties, and check the marketplace section here. Lot of seed co. guys around here.
Would the Zimbabwe Bird be a close approximation? If so www.tradewindsfruit.com might have some.

I know www.worldofchillies.com has some (Growing one myself at the moment. It has just started flowering. I'll try to post some photos up at the weekend so you can see if this is the one you mean.), though they use both African Devil, Birds Eye, and African Red Devil and Piri Piri with the name, and I'm not knowledgeable enough to be able to tell you what the difference is. They are based in the UK, though.
Welcome (Benvindo) to the forum!

Margarida is a member here who lives in Portugal. She is extremely generous with her seeds and can probably help you out if you PM her.

BTW - Which part did you live in?
Malandro95, I took these photos this afternoon. Is this the plant you call piri-piri? :)





Hmmmm....having trouble uploading the photos. I'm just not good at this... :(
I tried that, but nothing happened. The only thing I can think of is that the images might be too large.

But Let's try one more time:



YAY!! SUCCESS!!!:onfire:
@Sydtunes: I bounced around quite a bit in Portugal. I lived in Figueira daz Foz, Coimbra, Valadares, Viseu, Oliveira de Douro, Campanha.... I think that's it. I LOVED Portugal though. I need to take some vacation time there. I'll have to try Margarida.

@Aji Chombo: I'm not sure if that is it or not. I honestly don't think I would recognize the plant, as I typically consumed it and never tried to grow it. Thanks for the photos though!
I'll have those seeds soon Malandro.I received them from Portugal.I haven't been able to get in touch with Margarida for a couple weeks.I'm just waiting to get enough ripe pods for the sauce.Pm me your address and I'll get you some soon.
malandro95 said:
@Sydtunes: I bounced around quite a bit in Portugal. I lived in Figueira daz Foz, Coimbra, Valadares, Viseu, Oliveira de Douro, Campanha.... I think that's it. I LOVED Portugal though. I need to take some vacation time there. I'll have to try Margarida.

Margarida lives in Porto...