seeds Please, help me identify what is on my seedlings, a how to bring them back to health

Hello people,
Please, help me with identifying what is on these leaves (see image).  I really need to know how to bring them back to health.  I would really appreciate hearing from you.  Please, let me know how to keep them alive.
Thank you very much!
I only water when the soil turns to a light colour.  Then, I water, but don't soak them.  I have been putting 20-20-20 fertilizer in half-dilution on the larger seedlings (at least 4 leaves).  Are the black blotches typically indicative of too much water?  Thanks, Juanitos, for your reply.
Ambiotic said:
I only water when the soil turns to a light colour.  Then, I water, but don't soak them.  I have been putting 20-20-20 fertilizer in half-dilution on the larger seedlings (at least 4 leaves).  Are the black blotches typically indicative of too much water?  Thanks, Juanitos, for your reply.
How often are you using the fert?
Looks like leaves are getting burned, like maybe moisture on the leaf when the lights are on. Not so common with florescent bulbs vs. other hi intensity grow lights.
That's just my guess, could be something else.
first of all always always always always deep water.  Soak the root zone, only watering the top of the soil will result in poor root growth and stress the plant.  Re-water when the top inch or so of the soil is dry.Normally yes black spots of necrosis especially along the edges of the leaf normally indicate too wet.  If you are letting the plants dry sufficiently before watering and watering light then it could only be insects like thrips or mites or disease (need a closer pic) in which case the question becomes where is the soil from?  However there is the possibility that you are not letting the soil dry adequately and re watering when only the surface is dry in which case you're drowning them.  90% of all plant problems come down to moisture, either too much or too little.
Thanks, everyone.  I use only fresh Pro Mix.  I have been in the habit of giving them a spray, as well, when I top water them.  The T12 grow lights are about 2 inches above them.  I'll refrain from ever spraying them again, and will water them less frequently.  I am in the process of transplanting them from their 72-cell Jiffy trays into beer cups (with a few holes in the bottom).  I plan on putting the beer cups in fairly deep trays, so I'll be able to bottom water them.  But, please provide any additional advice, if you can think of anything more.  Thanks again.  You folks all rock!

Scorched said:
How often are you using the fert?
I'm using 20-20-20 at half dosage every 2 weeks.  The seedlings, at the most, have 4-6 leaves only.  Does that sound about right?
I think when I had what looks like your pics,I had a Humidity problem.
Not over watering as much as air movement in where your starts are at.
Blotches usually,FOR MY GROW is a Fungus or whatever.
Any mold looking stuff on your soil?
Try putting a fan in the room,wherever...
I don't like a fan directly pointed on my plants.
I'm more into ROOM AIR moving around.
I actually put a box fan in my grow rooms doorway sucking air out.
My grow room has no windows that open.
smokemaster said:
I think when I had what looks like your pics,I had a Humidity problem.
Not over watering as much as air movement in where your starts are at.
Blotches usually,FOR MY GROW is a Fungus or whatever.
Any mold looking stuff on your soil?
Try putting a fan in the room,wherever...
I don't like a fan directly pointed on my plants.
I'm more into ROOM AIR moving around.
I actually put a box fan in my grow rooms doorway sucking air out.
My grow room has no windows that open.
No mold on the soil, luckily.  I have had a fan directed at them from a distance, just to minimize leggy seedlings, mostly.  I'll make the fan even more indirect.  Thanks, Smokemaster.
Ambiotic said:
I'm using 20-20-20 at half dosage every 2 weeks.  The seedlings, at the most, have 4-6 leaves only.  Does that sound about right?
Thats a crazy high fert mix.  Does the directions on the package tell you to apply that often cause it seems excessive.  Fert is not "plant food" as its called. its only to replace what has been depleted from the soil and I guarantee it hasnt used up that much. Plants take only 2-5% of their make up from the soil the other 98% is synthesized from light, air, and water. The first most common mistake people make is over watering, then over fertilization.  Granulated is the way to go, slow release which means less applications and really no chance of salinization.  Tomato-tone works awesome for peppers.
Topsmoke said:
Thats a crazy high fert mix.  Does the directions on the package tell you to apply that often cause it seems excessive.  Fert is not "plant food" as its called. its only to replace what has been depleted from the soil and I guarantee it hasnt used up that much. Plants take only 2-5% of their make up from the soil the other 98% is synthesized from light, air, and water. The first most common mistake people make is over watering, then over fertilization.  Granulated is the way to go, slow release which means less applications and really no chance of salinization.  Tomato-tone works awesome for peppers.
Thanks, Topsmoke.  It is granulated.
willard3 said:
Homie don't click no a foto.
I missed the part that this forum uses two different editors.  It wasn't intuitive to me that they would do that (I still don't understand why).  I tried the full one, this time.  That worked.  Thanks, for pointing that out.  Strange how they don't simply put all functionality into just one editor.
Hope i'm not hijacking your thread Ambiotic, but i've a question for Topsmoke regarding tomato tone. I'm waiting on some arriving from the US, seems it's not available here in the UK. How do you use the stuff? Sprinkle some on top of the soil and leave it? Or do you give it a wee mist with a spray bottle to break it down a bit? And how frequently (or infrequently!) do you use it? Still a bit of a noob at this so appreciate your answer.
scotsbonnet said:
Hope i'm not hijacking your thread Ambiotic, but i've a question for Topsmoke regarding tomato tone. I'm waiting on some arriving from the US, seems it's not available here in the UK. How do you use the stuff? Sprinkle some on top of the soil and leave it? Or do you give it a wee mist with a spray bottle to break it down a bit? And how frequently (or infrequently!) do you use it? Still a bit of a noob at this so appreciate your answer.
Yes, by definition, this is a hijack, Scotsbonnet.  Why didn't you just PM him?
Think you need to chill a bit mate. My question was relevant to what was being discussed in the thread and i'm sure other newbies might find the info quite helpful.
And thanks to Topsmoke for the pm!
My preference is to certainly remain chilled.  But, a number of my past postings have been hijacked, never to return to the subject matter...and to never really get an answer.  It's an unfortunate occurrence.  So, now I  try to keep all of my posts on topic.  I hope you understand.
Looks like nute burn to me. I skimmed through and didn't see what type of soil they are in??? If they are in anything other than seed starting mix, there are certainly some nutes already in the soil. I start in jiffy pucks and transplant into soil and almost never have to feed before they're transplanted into their final homes. Smokemaster is also on point with his recommendation for a fan on or around the grow area. I point small fans directly at my seedlings which does a few prevents still air/humidity problems such as fungus and edema but it also strengthens their stems which prepares them for the winds they will face once transplanted.
As for the bottom is the only way to go. Depending on what soil you use (especially organic) top watering will wash down or float up everything that is important in your, the nutes will go to the bottom, while the perlite or vermiculite floats to the top. Organic soils with castings and manures as their main nute content end up a soggy mess at the bottom of your containers while the top will seem rather dry after just a couple weeks of top watering.
I tried the solo cup routine one year...and they can work, but they're very tippy and the drainage is tough to get right. I now use small nursery containers that fit perfectly into propagation trays. I then graduate them into bigger containers designed to fit 8 into the same propagation trays...with this system bottom watering is a breeze! I know things can get spendy, when growing, but these are pretty cheap, can be used year after year and are much easier to use and work is a picture of what I use along with prices...

The small containers are 25 cents and the tray was a dollar...this whole setup is $5.50 per tray.
Sorry was a bit long winded. :confused:
Above all...stay super chilled on here and folks will certainly rush to your aid. Can't let little stuff like minor thread detours bother you or you'll find folks much less eager to help out.
Good luck! Keep us posted!
Thank you for the advice, stc3248,
I'm using ProMix soil.  I haven't had any problems from it, since I started using it 3 years ago.  No, not long-winded.  VERY informative.  Thank you!  I will be sure to ONLY bottom-water (advice from Topsmoke, as well...thank you), and will also use a fan (advice from Smokemaster, as well...thank you).