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video poolside peppers video...

here's another video. i hope it's a lil less shaky than the last. enjoy. lemme know what you think.

hahahaha, i knew you were in flordia the MOMENT i saw that damn insect/shade screen around the pool deck. i went to school in flordia... and EVERYONE had them. its just a flordia thing too.. noone else does that anywhere.
oh man i hate those things.
why do you guys in Florida do that , they are so ugly imo. just malathion your shit and kill the mosquitoes like a man.
i grew up in Houston with a pool, and yea mosquito's blow, but damn if id ever build one of those.

lol no offense intended tho.

your plants look nice, im betting they will never freeze that close to the pool. when it gets to like 20's at night. my moms pool temp never drops below like 48-50's. you can actually heat the shit out of your pool even in the winter, by putting dark vinyl mats on the bottom. they soak more of the sunlight, rather than reflecting it out like the white plaster does.

i like that impact plant too. i had the chance to trade for some of those seeds, im regretting now getting them now.
First off, nice plants & pods :)

Do you have any negative effects from chlorine in the air? I can smell the chlorine in the air when I’m in our pool, I prefer to run it a little high but not overly high. I ask because one year I grew one of my orchids too close to the pool and it never flowered. Less than a month after moving it, it started flowering and now flowers numerous times a year. All my pepper plants are far from the pool and I never gave it much thought, on the other hand that chlorinated air could help keep pests away :D
you are smelling chloramines that form when free chlorine is reacting with organics in the water. they can be volatile and will smell. usually if you shock the pool to like 10ppm it will destroy all this combined chlorine and or chloramines and this smell will cease.

despite what alot of people you cant really smell chlorine at a reasonable pool concentration. what happens tho, say you get like 100 kids pissing and sweating into a pool is you get a high load of combined chlorine in the water really fast, and you can smell that, defiantly.

i hate it when people just say... NO YOU CANT SMELL CHLORINE...yea, open a bucket of calcium hypo tell me you cant smell that. lol. bleach too, pool grade bleach... the 12% stuff has an odor 100% i dont get why people say that.

i whole hardheartedly disagree with the chlorine phobia that is so prevalent in the gardening community for a bunch of reasons.
imo don't worry about it, you are just wasting your time.
you are smelling chloramines that form when free chlorine is reacting with organics in the water. they can be volatile and will smell. usually if you shock the pool to like 10ppm it will destroy all this combined chlorine and or chloramines and this smell will cease.
Tim, I've never had to shock our pool as I've never allowed it to have a problem and I keep all the levels correct. Although just slightly on the plus side for chlorine.

despite what alot of people you cant really smell chlorine at a reasonable pool concentration. what happens tho, say you get like 100 kids pissing and sweating into a pool is you get a high load of combined chlorine in the water really fast, and you can smell that, defiantly.
While I have to be really close in our pool, yes I can smell it, even if the kids haven’t been swimming for weeks, maybe you’re nose isn’t that sensitive. BTW there’s never been more than a few kids in our pool and you say 100 kids haha, I'd have moved long ago.

i hate it when people just say... NO YOU CANT SMELL CHLORINE...yea, open a bucket of calcium hypo tell me you cant smell that. lol. bleach too, pool grade bleach... the 12% stuff has an odor 100% i dont get why people say that.
While I wouldn’t like to make enemies here, I hate it when someone tells me I can’t smell something when I know I can. When I’ve proven this to myself with various orchids I’ve grown near our pool … I’ve taken care of our pool over 17 years and I have no doubt what I can and can not smell, while it may be a reaction, I can smell it when no one’s even been in the pool for months (winter) …

i whole hardheartedly disagree with the chlorine phobia that is so prevalent in the gardening community for a bunch of reasons.
imo don't worry about it, you are just wasting your time.
I have no chlorine phobia but certainly can smell it, sure it’s not as strong as the smell from the jug. BTW below is the plant that never bloomed for years next to the pool and as I said before within a month just 15' away from it in the same lighting it now constantly blooms. I've noted this with various orchids I grow and have had the same results, so all I did was pose a question about peppers (which may very well have no effect on them) and you reply with insulting my nose, lol :D

Edit: I’ve checked with the rest of out family members and I’m the only one that can notice it and I have to be very close to the water level to smell anything. I double checked and water is around 3 to 4 ppm. Sure I understand that when the pool water is not properly sanitized, free chlorine can combine with ammonia in the pool water creating chloramines that smell but I still say I can smell something even though I’m sure we don’t have a chemical issue.
lol shocking isnt just for swamp.

like i said shocking will remove the combined chlorine. if you "never" shock the pool like you said its entirely likely you have a high load of combined chlorine. that 3-4ppm could be more like 1-2ppm of real free chlorine.
just test your pool for combined chlorine, i do it like once every other week or so. alot of people with chlorine generators have that problem. they kinda just set it and forget it, they end up with some combined chlorine that is never removed. its not a huge problem most of the time tho, unless you get a huge ass load of it from decaying leaves and piss and sweat n what have you.
pretty much any organic will break down to simple amines and junk that will react to form chloramines.

actually if your read the manufacturer specs on those generators you are supposed to let them run up to like 10mg/l periodically. idk what they recommend, but im guessing its like once every other month.

lol idk why you take offense. its common knowledge. not going to comment on your orchids.
AFAIK the creation of chloramines can also be created by excessive levels of contaminants in the pool but I’m not sure what environmental contaminants can cause this until you mentioned leaves and that does happen once in a while as no screen enclosure. Two other points, no chlorine generators and I too test water every 2 weeks and no issues noted. I’ll be testing tomorrow just to double check and no offense taken or did you miss the emoticon I used, heh.

On another note I've completely dunked a potted pepper (no flowers or pods) into a bucket of pool water to drive out bugs as a test and it worked. So I probably could have answered my own question as that plant today is producing pods but it's far from pool and I did rinse it well after the dunking. Guess I asked because of my orchid experience and none of my peppers grow near the pool so wanted to hear others opinions ...