• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

snack-food Popcorn anyone?

well i made a bag today using this technique. made the slit on the bottom for some reason..next time i'll do the other side or just make it in a pot like shayne is saying.

the reason i say that is because it seems the sauce burnt. the popcorn turned out fine though and had some decent heat to it. noticed a black spot on the bottom of the bag where i assume the sauce was.

funny thing is, i put the bag in after taping it up and hit the popcorn button. it started popping then the microwave turned off thinking it was done after only about 10 seconds or so. :rolleyes: the bag was fully expanded too. i took a peek through the small opening on the one end and could tell it wasn't full of popped corn. so i just punched in 2:00 or so and let it go. after i had it in a nice big bowl, i added some garlic powder, black pepper, and some of this "spicy" seasoned salt i have. (everglades heat)

was pretty tasty and i can see myself doing this with popcorn from now on. oh yea..the sauce i used was sweating bullets. not crazy hot like the mamba or anything like that.. still has a nice bit of heat to it. next time i'll probably try either the same sauce with some jersey death mixed in..or something like that to make it spicier.