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fermenting Pre made pepper mash from wholesaler


I'm looking to buy a 10litre (10 quartz for US I think) bottle of pepper mash from a retailer to experiment with some recipes. How many bottles 8oz (220ml) of hot sauce would that potentially make with added ingredients?
WestPennineSpice said:

I'm looking to buy a 10litre (10 quartz for US I think) bottle of pepper mash from a retailer to experiment with some recipes. How many bottles 8oz (220ml) of hot sauce would that potentially make with added ingredients?

10 liters will make around fifty 8oz bottles on its own without any other added ingredients.  If you're adding other ingredients such as vinegar, onion, garlic, tomato, cucumber (I was curious lol) it will make even more.
If you're using a 1:1 ratio as Scovie suggested above then you'd have 20 liters - roughly 100 eight ounce bottles.
I'd split the mash into five 2 liter batches so you can test 5 different recipe batches of 20 bottles each, or you could make individual liter batches of 10 bottles (or so) each.  Depends on how many people's feedback you want to get I suppose.
Hope this helps!  :)
Totally depends on the heat of the mash ( chile variety) and desired heat of the sauce.

I have used 6 habaneros (maybe10-20 ml?) In 4 liters of sauce for a level 3/10 sauce. And then there are other sauces that are 1/1 scorpions and other stuff that are 9/10 for most.

Have Fun!
1) Depends on your recipe. Surely you have a rough draft of your recipe. You should be able to figure out how much it makes by that, the same way you would approximately know if you bought tomato puree to make pasta sauce, and added olive oil, garlic, and onion. Pretty close to the same as the can. Are you adding tons of stuff?
2) Depends on the pepper you are talking about and how hot you want the sauce. Is this habanero mash? Reaper?