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Problem ID

Hi all,
I have encountered a bit of a problem after getting back from Melbourne. I was only gone one day so i moved all my smaller plants (that's most of 'em :lol:) inside under my CFL because of the terrible weather.
When I got back I noticed some of my new growth looked ill-formed and yellow with some necrosis. Leaves are crinkled and some are "burnt" around the edges and have yellow/brown spots (still very small) on them.
I didn't have the fan on, so ventilation wasn't that great for the 24 hours they were in there, But it's not very hot or stuffy either.
Bacterial spot? fert burn? over-watering? (they didn't dry out for quite a while due to weather) Fungal? Root rot? Fluro Burn? I'm having real trouble figuring it out.
I had just hit them with some pyrethrum before I left, it couldn't be that could it?



Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Happens to some of my plants too, first guess is fert burn but am not sure.
I stopped feeding mine to see what happens, maybe they just really missed you and started stressing out!

"Once, there was this boy who- wouldn't go and play with all the boys in the playground" :lol:

The DPI down there doesn't seem to say much about it either - http://new.dpi.vic.gov.au/agriculture/horticulture/vegetables/vegetables-a-z/capsicum-peppers-chillies

I did find their heat rating somewhat amusing tho, which is why I posted the link.
Ahhhh, you may have inadvertently led me to an answer 11010490! ... to a different problem
Some of my other plants look like they have foliar Nematode damage.
I have some plants that look similar and had the same question. Fertilizer burn is the only cause I have heard so far, thanks nova. I guess that is possible since I fertilized them about a week or a week and a half ago.

Are there any other likely causes people know? I dont want to assume its fert burn and then decide to refuse to feed them anything when in fact they have an iron deficiency etc.
I have some plants that look similar and had the same question. Fertilizer burn is the only cause I have heard so far, thanks nova. I guess that is possible since I fertilized them about a week or a week and a half ago.

Are there any other likely causes people know? I dont want to assume its fert burn and then decide to refuse to feed them anything when in fact they have an iron deficiency etc.

Someone else mentioned it may be fungal as well, which could make sense because of en ironment mind had been in... Unless it's something seed born.. so I'm trying laying off the liquids and treating them with a fungicide.
I wondered if it migh be a boron deficiency though. It's such a pain diagnosing these things.... Hopefully something good happens!

Edit: sorry mods :lol: