Pulp or no Pulp

It’s that time of year where I look at the paper plates all over my house with dry seed and realize it is time to attack this chore and get organized. In doing so I now know why so many of the seeds I have received from members on here often have quite a bit of pulp (placenta) with the seeds.
After only doing about 10 plates and having a sneezing attack that I thought would never end, I thought there has got to be a better way. Now I could put a mask or respirator on to stop the sneezing but that would not take any time away from the tedious job of separating dry seed from dried pulp.  Is there really any advantage to this?
Some seed I have received (mostly from vendors) appear that they have taken a miniature tooth brush to each and every seed (how do they do that?). But other than package space will seeds fair better the cleaner they are of the pulp, or is it just a waste of time for most of us hobbyist. 
^^^^ What he said. As long as the pulp/placenta is dry enough to keep from molding, they should be fine.

Be careful ,though... even though it's dried, that placenta still packs a punch. I bagged some seeds I've had drying for over a month last night, and I didn't use gloves. Bagged all of the attached placenta and everything..... then I went to the bathroom.... you know how the rest of the story goes.
Scoville DeVille said:

If you think about how nature spreads the seed, animals eat the fruit, so the seeds have alot more clinging to them than just a tiny piece of placenta. All a seed needs is moisture and the right temperature. BOOM. Don't waste your time.
Sounds good Scovi. Yeah I'm ready to speed up this process!
Phil said:
^^^^ What he said. As long as the pulp/placenta is dry enough to keep from molding, they should be fine.

Be careful ,though... even though it's dried, that placenta still packs a punch. I bagged some seeds I've had drying for over a month last night, and I didn't use gloves. Bagged all of the attached placenta and everything..... then I went to the bathroom.... you know how the rest of the story goes.
Yep been there. Gloves are a must. Seeds and placentas are well dried so I should have no problem. 
Mailed a many of seed with placenta attached,never a word from anyone
Course how many people send out 20-40 per strain of seed at a time ?
Thats easy . . . . . N O N E !
I aint cheap,ask any that have received seed from me,yes free seed with free chunks
I give you plenty to do with as you please
I personally germ out 20+ of a strain and only pick 6-8 of the best seedlings to grow out(takes seed to do that)
Bottomline,be generous whether giving or selling
TNKS said:
Mailed a many of seed with placenta attached,never a word from anyone
Course how many people send out 20-40 per strain of seed at a time ?
Thats easy . . . . . N O N E !
I aint cheap,ask any that have received seed from me,yes free seed with free chunks
I give you plenty to do with as you please
I personally germ out 20+ of a strain and only pick 6-8 of the best seedlings to grow out(takes seed to do that)
Bottomline,be generous whether giving or selling
When I collect Tomato seeds I use the fermentation/pulp method.  I basically place the tomato pulp and seeds in a cup for about 3 days and the pulp will ferment and the seeds will naturally separate from the pulp.  After this I place them in a fine wire mesh strainer and run them under cool or luke warm water lightly scrubbing the seeds basically pushing any pulp left through the fine mesh and then I am left with the very clean seeds.  I then place these seeds in a container to dry for a couple days and they will turn that grey color just like when you buy them in a packet from store. 
I assume you could use the same fermentation method on pepper seeds but I usually have so many to do I dont put that much effort into it.  lol    I just yank them out of the pepper and separate them from the membrane, sometimes I will do the fine wire mesh cleaning on them running under luke warm water.  But I forego the fermentation process on pepper seeds. 
I know many people dry there seeds on paper plates or coffee filters but I find the best thing to dry seeds in are.......  empty cat food cans!  They are lined with that foodgrade plastic and the seeds will not stick no matter how sticky they are.  I place them in can on window seal for a day or two and they are ready. 
Its just how I do it, since I have an annoying cat I decided to give the cans a try and they work great. 
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