Pyrethrin users .. a question

Fighting pepper maggots, grubs, and earwigs here with gifted plants from a great forum member. Lots of clear winged flys around in the morning hours.
I'm growing in 3 gal containers and today purchased Bonide Pyrethrin (1%) mixed and sprayed as directed.  My question is when and or how often to re-apply this stuff?  Nowhere on the label does it say.
Also, should I spray the soil as well as the foilage?
I use it every two weeks as a preventative measure, but in the greenhouse I have had to use it as much as twice a week without causing any issues. If you are mixing it from a concentrate, make sure not to mix it above 2%, some pyrethrin products are phototoxic. Spraying at dusk will eliminate the chance of that being a problem though.
I spray only in the evening for two reasons. It is a known fact that pyrethrin breaks down rapidly in the sun and I have seen numerous reports that pyrethrins can have phytotoxic effects if applied in large doses and combined with high heat/sunlight. I only spray on an as-needed basis when I see pests on or around the plants, then usually a second and possibly third application 2-3 days apart. For aphids I spray only the affected areas of the plant, concentrating on the undersides of leaves.
Pyrethrins are non-selective, so I feel it is important to minimize their use since I have a healthy population of beneficial insects in my outdoor garden. For indoor use I would probably be far more aggressive.
I have used it in the past.
Once a week for a month for aphids.
Did do some harm and stressed the plants, so I don't use it as a preventative.
Kills good bugs too.
Thanks for the info sun here today in the ATL.  Will use after sundown moving forward.  Area is swampy with non stop rain , humidity, cloud cover.  Hoping for sun to dry and fry soon.