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QUAD!?!?!?!? Are you out there man?

Yea thx m8...it seemed liek a thing ta do eh?

Had no idea it'd explode liek it has...hundreds of ppl showing thier respects for David w/ my wee gfx. It's kinda humbling.

And, a hella lot of work as most folks has thier av's made by us in a/g..so we get to add the band and repost. I couldn't have done it without my pixel-pushing bros. without asking or even notice they fell in and helped out....we're talking several requests a min at one point...

But, we've done it. :D

Now I gotta go add moar whiksy to this ice.. tata!
I tip my Old Granddad 114 to you Quad! If that's what has kept you from THP, then keep it up duder, as long as you take 10 minutes out of your day to post some food Pr0n and drop by!


FiveStar said:
I tip my Old Granddad 114 to you Quad! If that's what has kept you from THP, then keep it up duder, as long as you take 10 minutes out of your day to post some food Pr0n and drop by!



Thx mate..it's been a bit insane, but it's worth it.

Ow, I may have had a wee bit of da Ezra Brooks 90 proof meself last night..eep!

Ha, I'm sure Dadkins is up there having a smile at it all. ;)

I did go shopping yesterday for W.M.C.D however....

(weapons of mac 'n cheesy destruction)

Fear da cheeezyness...muahahaha!

Oh, and I got a beer for the throwdown that's rated "A" by beeradvocate....and is an English double chocolate stout....and it was on sale. ;)