breeding Question on backcrossing and bonsai

I am extremely limited on space in my studio, I currently have a 4'x3'x5' grow tent with two 139w LEDs (soon to be an LEC/CMH setup @ 300watts) and a nice 4 bucket DWC that Im going to startup again soon. I had a small project going but I ended up with root aphids and white flies (im surrounded geographically by commercial agriculture). I scraped the plants and am starting fresh after I bleach the setup (I tried sns, neem, and pyrethrin over the course of about 6 weeks.....).
 TO my main question....if I grow out some plants to full size then bonsai them to save space.....can I keep back crossing a flavorful phenotype on the same plant or will I run into issues? Lets say I pollinate and love the pod that comes from that one, so I harvest seeds.....grow out, then re-pollinate the same plant with a pod from those seeds. Then repeat a few times. 
I want to use the bonsai plants in my bathroom or kitchen to isolate them from pollen and grow the pods I choose from them in the tent to maturity, selecting the tastiest pods to pollinate the bonsai. As I understand it, that particular flower I pollinate will not affect the rest of the plant....leaving me to experiment with multiple varieties at once saving tons of space.....or am I completely off base here and the genetic information can spread to flowers other than the one pollinated? Does the plant somehow retain genetic information from all of the pollination s? Ive read things in the past that suggested this and cannot find it now. Thanks for bearing with me lol!!!! ;)
If I understand the question right, I don't think that will work. You could certainly pollinate the blooms of the bonsai with pollen from other desirable plants but the only impact it would have is on the seeds from the pods of the bonsai. The bonsai will continue to throw the same pods over and over as it's genetics are already established. I have not read anything about the whole plant retaining genetic information from every pollination though which is why the same plant but different blossoms can be crossed with many different varieties. I know of people that have multiple isolations on the same plant for crossing purposes. I'm no expert on plant genetics but i'm pretty sure that's how it works based on a basic understanding.  I hope I understood your question correctly and i'm sure someone else will have a greater understanding of genetics and might be able to give you a more detailed explanation.
I re-read my post and I see it is confusing...perhaps also just worded poorly. Though I think you still gave light to the question i have. So that particular pod will retain the crossed info as I thought, though it wont be shared with other parts of the plant which already had its instructions written in stone from the original pollination that produced the pod that plant was sprouted from. Maybe some genetics gurus can chime in!
 I basically want to be able to try multiple crosses (or BX for taste and other phenotype keeping a more pure strain) at a time on one small plant thus saving me from having a field...yet it reduces the harvest dramatically so ild be working with afew pods at a time lol.....oh wow this is spiraling haha. Research engaged!!!
OoNickoC said:
I re-read my post and I see it is confusing...perhaps also just worded poorly. Though I think you still gave light to the question i have. So that particular pod will retain the crossed info as I thought, though it wont be shared with other parts of the plant which already had its instructions written in stone from the original pollination that produced the pod that plant was sprouted from. Maybe some genetics gurus can chime in!
 I basically want to be able to try multiple crosses (or BX for taste and other phenotype keeping a more pure strain) at a time on one small plant thus saving me from having a field...yet it reduces the harvest dramatically so ild be working with afew pods at a time lol.....oh wow this is spiraling haha. Research engaged!!!
I may be misinterpreting what you're saying, but the pods produced from that pollination won't look or taste any different than the rest. It'll only affect what the seeds in that pod grow out to be
Bonchi = plant X
10 other different plants =Y 1-10
Plant X throws 10 buds each one pollinated from a different plant Y 1-10
All flowers set pods and you will have XxY1, XxY2,XxY3 crosses etc
Next year you will still have X plus XxY1,XxY2,XxY3 crosses to grow out. Taking the best self pollinated pods from them to back cross to X.
My .02
I dont know that in the end you will save tons of space though. I see an exponential increase of out crosses and back crosses and cross crosses in your future.