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breeding Reaper & Scorpion Hybrid

I put my reaper and scorpion in the same pot when I planted from seed and didn't mark which was which. I did most of the pollinating myself with a paintbrush. I think the below is the reaper just by the way the stingers look. Is the longer pepper a normal reaper or a hybrid? I purposefully did not pay attention to which flower received pollen from another.

If this on is a true hybrid then I'm going to try and save the seeds for next year. I'm sure it has already been done, however this would be my first.
*Side note. I just brought it inside yesterday. In the FL Panhandle, how much longer till these beasts go dormant?
Two plants together:

Closeup, with the pepper in question circled.

One more. Different angle.
If hybridization occurred, you wouldn't see the effects until the next generation. For example, your two plants. They could have crossed, but the peppers on them now won't show that. Think of the two flowers as parents, the pepper that developed as the mother and the seeds in it as the baby (your cross). The crossing has no effect on the mother, only it's offspring. You can save the seeds but there is still no guarantee that it is a cross since it's far more likely the flower self-pollinated than it being pollinated by the plant next to it. 
You probably just got an unstable plant and it's showing multiple different phenotypes. 
Is it indoors? If so you can keep it growing all year, especially in Florida, since you've got a super short winter. Outdoors, you can probably keep it out until early-mid december depending on how far up you are. 
Thanks. My genetics class from college is a distant memory. I might keep trying next year and see what happens in the future.
I'm in the Panhandle. The plants have been outside and in the Florida Room all year until yesterday. Temps in the 40's don't seem to bother it. I've been snipping off new growth and it still producing new buds.