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seeds Seedling question - Nutrient

Hello everyone, today i bought a nutrient that most would of herd of called chilli focus by growth technology, has anyone used this product and is it ok to use it at
half strength for that extra boost for seedlings.
What medium are you starting your seeds in? Does that contain nutes? I wouldn't give new seedlings half strength nutes, but I think Chilli Focus is fairly low in NPK so you make be OK. Regarding fertilizer and peppers, my theory is "less is more".
Chili Focus is a real mild nute. I used it this year and I am not sure how much it helped. I do not think I will be using next year.

But I agree with bigt, I wouldn't use anything on seedlings especially if there is anything in the medium that you are using. Wait for them to grow up a bit.
Hello everyone, today i bought a nutrient that most would of herd of called chilli focus by growth technology, has anyone used this product and is it ok to use it at
half strength for that extra boost for seedlings.
Yes its a top product iam now using it and some of there other products my plants are Loving it
I am also using it on my plants. As it's my first year growing I can't really compare it to anything but I have noticed the bigger, older plants respond much more to feeding than the little baby seedlings. I think its true that the young seedlings can only grow so fast and extra nutrients won't help but might hinder them.

Of course that hasn't stopped me using a very diluted solution to water them.
I use the weak strength for my seeds/seedlings as I grow in coco or jiffy seed starters until they have quite a few sets of leaves. Seeds only contain a certain amount of food for growth whilst germinating so you want to give them something if they are in a media containing no nutrients.
I agree with the others though, less is always more.Are you growing under fluoros at all?
Wildfire , i have some seedlings in both seed raising mix and jiffy pots and i have has some seedlings that have been in seed raising mix and done nothing for over 4 weeks, i have now started to use that chilli focus and they are starting to realy come along ,they seemed to sprout fast then did nothing and wernt growing , but yes most of the bigger plants i have are outside in pots. in a 50-50 mix of mushroom compost and potting mix.
Wildfire , i have some seedlings in both seed raising mix and jiffy pots and i have has some seedlings that have been in seed raising mix and done nothing for over 4 weeks, i have now started to use that chilli focus and they are starting to realy come along ,they seemed to sprout fast then did nothing and wernt growing , but yes most of the bigger plants i have are outside in pots. in a 50-50 mix of mushroom compost and potting mix.

I reslly think the chilli focus is good for boosting your seedlings and it's not too powerful to overfertilise them either.
While I have never used Chilli Focus, I have found my seedlings always respond well to a weak Triple Boost solution (fish/seaweed/worm).... even if the seed raising mix they are in already contains nutrients.