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seeds Seedlings dropping their seed leaves.

Seedlings dropping their seed leaves.

Why does this happen, its starting to piss me off.

As each day goes past, another few seedlings will drop their seed leaves, turn over and die.

Night time temps are around 15*C, so it should not be hibernation. They are in full shade, outside ...

The last two days were 40*C, go figure ...

Fkn Perth weather.
Nova, I have really nearly had it.

Especially over the last two days, I have lost I would say, around 90% of my stock. That is like 350 plants. Once they have their first true leaves they appear to be rock hard, but its just before they get their first true leaves that they drop their seed leaves, leaving them as a stick which dies.

Even Cappy's seeds (Don't worry Candice, I still have a brain strain for you) are starting to do it, and they were beautiful a few days ago whilst I was talking to him.
Taj said:
Nova, I have really nearly had it.

Especially over the last two days, I have lost I would say, around 90% of my stock. That is like 350 plants. Once they have their first true leaves they appear to be rock hard, but its just before they get their first true leaves that they drop their seed leaves, leaving them as a stick which dies.

Even Cappy's seeds (Don't worry Candice, I still have a brain strain for you) are starting to do it, and they were beautiful a few days ago whilst I was talking to him.

Would you mind posting a few pics?
Taj said:
Seedlings dropping their seed leaves.

Why does this happen, its starting to piss me off.

As each day goes past, another few seedlings will drop their seed leaves, turn over and die.

Night time temps are around 15*C, so it should not be hibernation. They are in full shade, outside ...

The last two days were 40*C, go figure ...

Fkn Perth weather.

The heat no?



I doubt its dampening off, even though the pics are wet, I just watered them about 10 mins before I took the photos. They get watered when their soil drys out which is once every two days. The few seeds I had in a humidity dome are the only ones doing well.

Usually when its excess watering, the leaves will turn yellow and drop, these are dropping green, like completely healthy leaves just dropping off like its winter hibernation.

It even happened to a 4 inch high plant, it was perfectly green and today when I touched it, it dropped all its leaves.
Shock makes sense. ie 15 degrees to 40 degrees would be a shock for them.

Shock. This is the most common cause of leaf drop, but it can be the hardest to correct. In my experience, shock is most often caused by a sudden change in conditions. This can mean fluctuations in temperature, light, or watering habits. Newly acquired plants, for instance, often go into shock as they transition from the perfect conditions of a greenhouse to less-than-ideal home conditions. The same is true for newly repotted or divided plants. Sadly, there's not much you can do about shock, other than hope the plant survives.
Too cold. If the plant is exposed to cold drafts, many tropical plants will begin to drop healthy leaves.
Physical damage. Plants that are in high-traffic areas or are frequently brushed will sometimes drop leaves inexplicably. Pets and children rubbing plants can cause leaf drop.
Pests. Certain pests, like mealybugs, can cause leaf drop. Check fallen leaves carefully for telltale signs of infestation. If you see pests, treat the plant and the leaf-drop should stop.
That is not good Taj, no? First off those plants were way to small to be outside in the shade. The amount of water your using is just making mud, plants that size use very little water. Plants that size are better inside under lights or in a window sill. You needed to start these plants a good 6 weeks ago if you want them outside now. Start some more but let them get at least 5 or 6 true sets of leaves before you try to harden off outside. A sunny window sill is perfect until they have established root system and are hardened off. Sorry to see this.
Shock sounds like it Nova.

PRF, thanks for the advice. The soil drys out quite quickly and I figured it was a lack of water that was contributing, Perth has a dry heat, we have no humidity and that will dry out quite a bit by tonight and especially by this time tomorrow.

They are six weeks old ... sad isn't it. They were planted 8-9 weeks ago and are only now getting their first set of true leaves.

I am really just so fucken tired ... I have had enough.
BTW, That was all my seed stock.

Here is the extent of the problem. (Picture cut in half) 600++ plants. (5 trays down the bottom are newly planted (purple), the rest are the ones I lost.


Yes I know leaves have blown on, they blow on everyday. I clean them up, they come back. Never ending fun.
Taj said:
I am really just so fucken tired ... I have had enough.

It can get that way, but don't give up! I know how you feel - For me, it's the perpetual battle against pests. Pests, pests, pests, and more PESTS! I get up every day and expect something to be wrong. First it was aphids, then mites, then fungus gnats, and now, I've been coming under attack by possums. In one night, I lost a full 75% of my babies..! In one night! My well established Choc Hab, which had just started budding, was stripped of all it's new growth and buds. And my Orange Hab... well, here's a pic:


At the moment I am having to lug all my plants indoors at night or suffer the consequences. No fun at all I tell ya! The only viable solution I can think of, is to construct some massive protection cages for all my plants... and even then I'll still be lugging everything into them at night and out into the sun again in the morning!

Oh and I forgot the grasshoppers... I had a little run in with them too...

Keep persevering and good luck!
Sorry to hear about your troubles, it can be very frustrating, but please don't give up. I believe what PRF had said about taking them inside and growing them under some lights or on a window sill. Also, if the soil is that wet after 10 minutes from watering, you may be unintentionally over-watering. Seedlings that size only needs to have to soil moistened, not wet as in your photos. I hope things start turning around.
TAJ has still got time to try again however his seed stock is gawwnnn. TAJ let us know what seeds you need and maybe some members can help you out with some of them, better to have half of something than half of nothing ;)
Yeah, I will cut back on the watering.

They were inside, but I was told to put them out ... Which is when all the trouble started. It was nearly a sea of green 4 weeks ago.
Novacastrian said:
TAJ has still got time to try again however his seed stock is gawwnnn. TAJ let us know what seeds you need and maybe some members can help you out with some of them, better to have half of something than half of nothing ;)

Nova you're a good mate, but I do not really want to trouble you or anyone else. I will see if I can buy some established plants off Candice, and order some more seeds off Neil. It is just one of those things, the shittest bowl of luck.

When I said I was tired, I am just so tired of fighting and failing. I have every one here against me, wishing me bad luck, everyone saying how stupid I am to 'waste' my money on chillis, the idea was to start a miniature farm but fucken everyone saying to me I will fail, waste of time, waste of money and shit like that ... its no surprise everything has happened like it has. I have my family wanting to rip up all the plants I already have, I moved 5 cubic metres of sand only to be told I could not use the garden for chillis, I can grow anything else except chillis. So then I moved another 5 cubic metres of sand and finally have a garden to call my own and then this shit happens and I have no plants to plant in the garden. Fucken bitched at everyday, why you waste your money on chillis ... then when this shit happens I get blamed for not looking after them, and get bitched at for that aswell. If they stayed inside how they were originally I am sure none of this would have happened ...

Such is life ...