misc Sendin out samples


Yes, I am once again asking advice of the experts. I have sent out a LOT of hot sauce samples to stores (both On-line and physical) in the last month. I have heard back from one who is interested in carry my products. My question is, do I send follow up letters to the others and risk annoying them, or curb my impatience and wait to hear from them?

If they don't want to carry my products I would like feedback on the reason why so I can possible rectify the problem ie: price too high, packaging not eye catching etc.

Anyway any thoughts on the subject - I would value the advice
Well, there are a couple different ways to look at your dilemma. You can send out follow up letters and all, but in my opinion, it's kinda like begging. However, letters are a little more impersonal, as they can just throw them away if they really aren't interested. It's kind of a judgement call.
Since it's only 30 days or so, I would sit back and see if anything developes. Give it a little more time. Maybe another 30 days. Or more. Then maybe a phone call? It's a judgement thing, and you don't want to appear pushy. Frank
LBTC said:

Yes, I am once again asking advice of the experts. I have sent out a LOT of hot sauce samples to stores (both On-line and physical) in the last month. I have heard back from one who is interested in carry my products. My question is, do I send follow up letters to the others and risk annoying them, or curb my impatience and wait to hear from them?

If they don't want to carry my products I would like feedback on the reason why so I can possible rectify the problem ie: price too high, packaging not eye catching etc.

Anyway any thoughts on the subject - I would value the advice

I sent one guy a box of my sauces, called to follow up about 2 weeks after he'd received them, and got the following reply...

"Your sauces are still in the box the came in, if you're lucky one of our employees will be knocking around in the back looking for something new, and your sauce will come out."

I have far too much self respect to waste my time chasing after people who are only going to check whether or not they want to carry my sauces on an if I'm lucky basis.

As far as I'm concerned, if I'm going to send out samples, I'm going to send them to the likes of Lin and Joe, Kato, Sweatnspice, Hans, etc. At the very least, these guys are going to taste my sauces and say what they think to as many people as will hit their website. Those guys I'll entertain giving samples to.

Distributors... I figure when enough buyers ask for my sauces, they'll start selling. I'll sell them myself until then.

You want to know what you're up against???

The vast majority of them won't even respond to your calls.

One guy told me he had an issue with my labels... That was it.

Lots of people told me they don't like our retail price, they don't think the sauces will sell... s'ok, THEY might not be able to sell them, we sell them just fine. As will be seen by our balance sheet at year end. :beer:

You're going to run into a lot of people who for all intents and purposes just want free hot sauce and they'll lie to you about what they want in return.

Fortunately; everyone here on this board, is either willing to trade or actually does give in return.

Speaking of which... I've got a US shipment going out on Friday... Are you and I going to set up a trade???

Fwiw, after the journalist who scammed me out of 2 full shipments of sauces and nary a story; I'm with Chuk too.

Buford, Buford, he's our man, if he can't sell 'em, no one can!

I'm with Buford, too!

Well, i have had mixed results with the samples thing. Out of the dozens of inquiries for free samples, i have had only two become customers. The others i either never heard from, or when i would call them they would give me some kind of "we're still evaluating our options" response. Most of the requests for free samples are from someone wanting something for nothing. I will tell you that my new policy is NO FREE SAMPLES, PERIOD! If a business wants samples, i charge them full price. If they become a customer, i will credit them the difference on their first order.
Sounds funny, but I have run into somewhat of the same problem. I used to have no problem sending out a few samples, but recently have gotten a major increase in requests for "samples". I sent out one group (#3, #2 & #1 sauce) to a person I had a feeling just wanted a freebie, I was right, they got my samples, but wrote back to me complaining they were too small. I chuckled to myself because I sent them three 5ml bottles (yeah it's small, almost enough to fill a small eyedropper). Sometimes it's fun to turn the tables on those who seek to get over on you. When I replied to the person stating those were our usual samples, they replied it was a ripoff. Yes, I got another good laugh out of that.
Our feeling on sending samples they are needed.

You may send out a lot with a small return but the chance your sample reachs the right person can really pay off.

You need to deal directly with the distributors, Peppers, Hot Shots, etc. and bypass the smaller local hot shops who won't buy enough volume to matter.

It's frustrating. I think we have good products yet I have spent over $200 in shipping alone to send out samples and have gotten no bites. The only places carrying our products, other than our own website, are two local stores. And one of those wouldn't even return our phone calls until after we won the awards at the Zesty Best and then he approached us. We are getting good reviews so that gives me hope, but sometimes it does feel like this :D

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now. Cheaper than see a therapist
I agree Kato, to an extent. We have sent out tons of samples in the last year, mainly to just get the name out. But when certain people contact us for "samples", you can pretty much tell if they are serious or just want a freebie. Not every time, but my batting average has been pretty good.
Maybe I should actually put my retail licence to use. Been paying for it for 10 years along with the contractors licence and not doing any retail work.. I'll think about it for you. Frank
hi there,
my name is nick nadir,i just joined this helpful site.
i was glad to come across your message.i need to find hot sauces manufacturers for export.i would like to have on them my own label.they don't have to be sophisticated sauces,but good enough to beat tobasco and louisiana hot sauce.
please let me know how we can work together.my e-mail add:
hope to hear from you soon;
nick nadid,
nick nadir said:
hi there,
my name is nick nadir,i just joined this helpful site.
i was glad to come across your message.i need to find hot sauces manufacturers for export.i would like to have on them my own label.they don't have to be sophisticated sauces,but good enough to beat tobasco and louisiana hot sauce.
please let me know how we can work together.my e-mail add:
hope to hear from you soon;
nick nadid,

How did I miss this post??

Nick... did you find what you are looking for?

We've had fair success targeting small local retailers and restaurants we know are interested in Hot food. I have come to believe that simply throwing away product is counterproductive. Our best story so far is the local pub/restaurant my partner and I both frequent. We knew they were a friendly target, dropped off 2 bottles, and the staff ate it all before it got near a customer. Now they buy about a case a month, that is kept hidden from the staff AND we sell another case a month directly to the people who work there. Know your target.

Also, if someone shows little or no interest when approached don't leave the sample. Everyone will take it for free, and that just costs money.