container Separating Established Habanero Plants

Hi Users,
I acccidentally forgot to separate my plants as seedlings and as a result I now have 4 plants roughly 18 inches tall all growing in a 5 gallon tub. 
My question is, do I try to separate them and if so how?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, welcome.

At this point, I don't think you can separate them without damaging them. If I understand correctly, you germinated 4 seeds in one cell? By now, all the roots are pretty well interconnected.
I agree separating them at this point would definitely set back your pod production, and it's probably not worth it. But if you absolutely had to I would gently remove/shake off any excess soil and then submerge the two root systems in water. It might take some effort but I've found that root systems tend to separate out much easier when submerged.