overwintering Should I cut it back more or not? - Over wintering

With the weather here getting colder my plants have stopped producing pods, so I have cut them back to put them into a dormant state to over winter them.
More of an experiment than anything to see if they will survive out doors over winter.
I have put them under a shade cloth area in the yard to try to keep the frost off of them, but they still get probably 12 hours of filtered sunlight through the shade cloth each day.
The temps here at the moment are around 15 - 25°C during most days, and around 5°C at night. They will drop from that during winter to 10 - 15°C days and down to 0°c nights, possibly but not often they will drop below 0 overnight.
The thing is, that of the 3 plants that I cut back, 2 x orange habs and a Hungarian wax pepper, 2 seem to be dormant but one of the habs has started growing again.
All 3 are kept in the same conditions.
The hab that is growing has all new leaf growth, even has flowers and some stunted little pods on it.
Should I cut this one back again to effectively over winter it, or should I just let it go and see what happens?
Will letting it grow affect it in the colder weather, or will it be fine without interference?