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harvesting Silver_Surfer's Harvest 8-18-09

Todays 1 pound 15 ounce harvest.

These 134 pods were picked from this year's 2 Datil plants.

Fataliis, Nagas, a few Habs and a little Fish.

That's it for now; hopefully more to pick in 4 more days.
Thanks MW. I don't have that many plants but plan to start more next year.

3 - Fatalii #3 was a late start (check my 8-14-09 Harvest/Update for pics)
3 - Naga Morich (One was overwintered but lost a main branch early in the season)
2 - Red Habs (One was overwintered)
3 - Datils (One was overwintered but none ripe on it this round)
2 - Fish (One was potted up from a 16oz cup a few weeks ago)
1 - Bolivian Rainbow
1 - Black Pearl
1 - Giant Thai Hot (An annuum overwintered that I don't bother picking much anymore as its heat/flavor doesn't compare to my others)

I also have some bells and poblanos in pots and in my garden.

Oh, and I have one very, very late Fatalii start that might provide some ripe pods b4 winter arrives; I'll just have to wait and see. It'll be small enough to place in a window this winter and hopefully extend my Fatalii season. :)
Looking good SS, looking very good! I'm definitely growing Datil next year. I've never tasted one before and everyone seems to like them.
Muchas gracias amigos.

BrianS said:
SS, You have some nice looking pods there! You gonna make atomic powder with those? :D

I'm leaving the powders separate for the most part so I can experiment with different blends. Lately I've just been drying pods for grinding blending later. I recently smoked and dried some poblanos that I plan on blending with some other powders.

Right now I have enough powder to last a little while longer. ;)

-------------------------------Naga -----------------------------------------Fatalii/Datil-------------------------------------Red Hab
Silver_Surfer said:
You have any powder made yet Josh? I might just include a sample when we do our trade this fall. ;)

Nope as of yet I have not done any grinding. I have accumulated a bunch of dehydrated pods but I haven't really gotten any big harvests. My raised bed plants are doing great but my potted ones basically stopped growing through the entire month of July. They yellowed and I couldn't correct whatever the problem was. I know it was crazy, especially because it was the middle of the summer, but I transplanted them all into the ground. I am glad I did too because they are starting to bounce back. As a result of there condition, they don't have a ton of pods on them but they are growing and are starting to make more flower buds. They are still going to give me plenty of pods but it is a bit frustrating. I obviously don't have container growing down. I still have no idea what I was doing wrong. Also what was weird is that it effected my chinese varieties the worst. They were the ones that became pale yellow.
But anyway, to make a long story longer. No. I haven't been grinding yet but I will probably start up once September rolls around.

Oh plus I haven't forgot about trading. I have tried to make note of those that wanted to trade. I hope I haven't, but I probably have failed to mark down everybody. Either way hopefully I can get everyone what they want once we get into Fall.
Ballzworth said:
that dried powder looks awesome. what do you use to grind them?

I was using a small coffee grinder, but it wouldn't hold very much at a time and the safety switch on it failed anyway. Now I use a 12oz Mason crystal jelly jar and a screw on blade assembly for my blender with a new set of sharp blades. Works great, holds more dried peppers per load and cleanup is a breeze. I'd advise wearing a dust mask when unloading potent stuff like Naga powder though. ;)
