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skydiving chilli-head..

Hey Guys,

I've posted a bit of an introduction but perhaps didnt mention how crazy I am.. I love my chilli and anything else crazy that comes along and am just curious.. how many of you have managed to jump out of plane from 14000 ft? (only Tandem, but come on.. give me some credit!)

Have to admit, I've only been twice, but it was pretty cool....first jump Fiji.. why not eh? everyone jumps out of planes in Fiji :P.. second one in Penrith, NSW..

Just how many plane jumping (tandem or otherwise), chilli heads am I dealing with here on this forum?

I spent a few weekends (and a good bit of money) to take the class which included several tandem jumps and a solo.

I liked it.....but haven't done it since. (that was 22 years ago)

BUT, if I'm ever in a plane that's crashing to earth, I'll be prepared. (provided I'm wearing a parachute!)

Great video, by the way!
I did a tandem dive a few years ago in Coffs Harbour with a mate.

I would struggle to do Tandem again cause I didn't like the feeling of not being in control, but if I had the money to do the courses, I would do a solo jump in a heart beat....

I enjoyed the jump but just didn't like not knowing what was going to happen and when!!!!

I really want to bungy jump as well......The thought scares the HELL out of me and that's probably the reason I want to do it..........I would love to do it over in New Zealand, cause I've heard that there is a 140 metre jump before the cord pulls up.......:)
Skydiver said:
Can't wait to have enough spare money to go jump again.

I had a feeling you'd turn up in here ;)

I think it was roughly 8 years ago when I did a tandem jump at Barwon Heads here in Vic. Nice way to get a whole day buzz.
I did a tandem jump from 10,000 feet for my 18th birthday. Went out clubbing the night before and got home at around 5 in the morning fell out of the plane at around 8.

He asked me if had anything to drink in the last 12 hours, i lied.

I have been planning on doing a jump from 15,000 feet for my 30th birthday which is a round three months away. Still be tandem though as i wouldn't trust myself!!
Good to see there are a few :).. I've only done two, both tandem and have been thinking about doing the course to do a solo jump but it is so expensive, and maybe just a little too scary... at least if I'm strapped into someone who knows what they're doing there is that bit of extra comfort! Even still, Tandem jumps arent cheap

I dont think I'd do a bungee jump though.. just dont like the idea and the image of that guy in Thailand that did one where the cord snapped is in my head each time I consider it again.

Novacastrian - you should definitely do it for your 30th!! Maybe just dont drink so much before hand :P I just had my 30th and didnt do anything that exciting for it.. although I do think I was hung over for about 3 days afterwards!
mel said:
Good to see there are a few :).. I've only done two, both tandem and have been thinking about doing the course to do a solo jump but it is so expensive, and maybe just a little too scary... at least if I'm strapped into someone who knows what they're doing there is that bit of extra comfort! Even still, Tandem jumps arent cheap

I dont think I'd do a bungee jump though.. just dont like the idea and the image of that guy in Thailand that did one where the cord snapped is in my head each time I consider it again.

Novacastrian - you should definitely do it for your 30th!! Maybe just dont drink so much before hand :P I just had my 30th and didnt do anything that exciting for it.. although I do think I was hung over for about 3 days afterwards!

It's totally worth the price. Once you get a few jumps into the course and start flying your body, it's an amazing feeling.
Bungee jumping: yeah, I'll pass. There isn't a really good central regulatory body governing it.
paulky_2000 said:
After being married twice....

....I'd concider jumping naked

You jump naked on any jump ending in 00.

so yeah, 100th jump, flappin in the wind.
won't be a pretty sight when it's my time.
Bugger that naked jumping, the harness hurts enough with clothes on! Damned near ripped me in half and it's worse solo because there is less weight!
mel said:
ooohhh.. Picton.. you know thats where the guy who died a few months ago was doing it?? he was tandem too.. poor fella landed in a tree... and the tandem instructor guy had to use him as a ladder to climb down..

How's THAT for a ray of sunshine, Nova!?
paulky_2000 said:
How's THAT for a ray of sunshine, Nova!?

Meh im not worried about a little tree :)

Mel, how did this poor fellow die?? Did he get impaled by a branch or what? My sister lives near Castle Hill so i can stay at her place the night before to avoid the drive in the morning. Getting excited about it actually and remember that it is not the fall that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end!

We actually had a family friend years ago that wanted to skydive solo, did all the courses and jumped on his 30th. They had to shovel him out from the ground because his main chute didn't deploy properly and his emergency chute got tangled in the main one- SPLAT. I asked my father to join me in the jump and he cited this story as a very good reason not to go. Just adds to the rush i reckon!! :D
Novacastrian said:
Meh im not worried about a little tree :)

Mel, how did this poor fellow die?? Did he get impaled by a branch or what? My sister lives near Castle Hill so i can stay at her place the night before to avoid the drive in the morning. Getting excited about it actually and remember that it is not the fall that kills you, it is the sudden stop at the end!

We actually had a family friend years ago that wanted to skydive solo, did all the courses and jumped on his 30th. They had to shovel him out from the ground because his main chute didn't deploy properly and his emergency chute got tangled in the main one- SPLAT. I asked my father to join me in the jump and he cited this story as a very good reason not to go. Just adds to the rush i reckon!! :D

heheh.. i was just making shit up... sorry :P there was a solo guy that died recently but I dont know who that was through.. the guys at picton are supposed to be quite good :)