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Some thoughts on the Douglah

Figured I post some notes from my first time growing this plant. This plant was started in early May and I pulled down first ripe pods earlier this month. The pods I have so far seem to be orange hab size--longest little over 2 inches but seem dwarfed by the monsters Neil has in his video. But the plant seems to make up for it by setting lots of pods as you'll see below. So there's probably a trade off here. Pod shape seems to vary but generally are like the one on the right with the length varying.

These pods were cut off the plant couple days ago. Skin is pretty pimpled like other 7 pods I've seen.




Each pod doesn't contain as many seeds as an orange hab but I have yet to encounter black seeds which I did get in the red 7 pods. Yellow oil drops seem kinda thick--more viscous than those found in the red 7 pod--concentrated in various spots on the inside wall.


The plant itself looks pretty productive.





Grows more like a bush than the red 7 pod I grew which was more like a tree.


Branches like crazy from the trunk.

After opening these pods I immediately smell that distinct 7 pod aroma which I much prefer over orange habs--actually any non-7pod--any day. But these are not as aromatic or flavorful as the red 7's I grew. However the heat from these things exceed the reds which are no joke themselves. This is my favorite pepper to date based on looks and heat alone :)
It is hard to find any fault with Douglah, just a perfect pepper any way you slice it. Nice shots of the capsaicin oil inside and the praying mantis keeping guard over your plant. One of my favorites. :mouthonfire:
Fantastic photo's i have to say the douglah is one of the chilli's i cant wait to try, i have a few on the go, the other one i'm looking forward to is the Chocolate Hab.
Thanks for the comments. I always wear protection when dissecting these pods :) Here's a pic of my first decent harvest when I got more than a few ripe ones.


I'm hoping this plant will supply enough pods for some powder. Mmm...chocolate powder...drool...

I like the 7 pod taste in general, so I like the Douglah. However, it's not overwhelming like the reds that are more fruity.

I found these reds to be fruity, and their aroma can instantly fill a room.

I'm sure you'll taste the Douglah soon enough; don't let my opinion sway you :)