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Ive read several posts referring to "Epsom salt spray" but i cant find any posts that explain the ratios of epsom to water or the measurements...if someone could give me a link to some measurements that would be FREAKING AWESOME!!

Also what exactly does the spray do and how often would i need to spray it for its intended purpose
i've used it on tomatoes.. but instead, a tablespoon 3 inches under the bottom of the hole i dug for the plant when planting. Magnesium is the key i believe. Other growers here are foliar feeds.. the sprays. i plan on foliar feeding the peppers this year. with out it in the soil our tomatoes did at least 50% less.

i have seen a teaspoon to a quart.. but since this will be my first year doing so.. i wouldn't mind if anyone else chimes in... hehe wink.. wink.. nudge.. nudge.
Ok...I'm a rookie with the spraying mixes, so I'm hoping for a "voice of experience" to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.

I'm contemplating a once weekly spray consisting of neem oil, epsom salt in water with (diluted)liquid 4-8-4 nutes.

Does this make sense?....and if so....any input on the mix ratio's?

(NOTE:I'm growing in 50+ two bucket-self watering containers-global buckets)

Ok...I'm a rookie with the spraying mixes, so I'm hoping for a "voice of experience" to make sure I'm headed in the right direction.

I'm contemplating a once weekly spray consisting of neem oil, epsom salt in water with (diluted)liquid 4-8-4 nutes.

Does this make sense?....and if so....any input on the mix ratio's?

(NOTE:I'm growing in 50+ two bucket-self watering containers-global buckets)


I made a spay solution with MG 18-18-21 diluted down to 3-3-3.5 (1/6th strength) then i made a 1T epsom/gal h20 and then made a 1T Calcium clhoride/gal h20 then i take my spray bottle and add equal parts of all 3 to it and once a week i medium mist spray at night a few hours after sundown. i use a seperate neem spray made by Bonide thats a 3 in 1 fungicide/insecticide/miteicide
I made a spay solution with MG 18-18-21 diluted down to 3-3-3.5 (1/6th strength) then i made a 1T epsom/gal h20 and then made a 1T Calcium clhoride/gal h20 then i take my spray bottle and add equal parts of all 3 to it and once a week i medium mist spray at night a few hours after sundown. i use a seperate neem spray made by Bonide thats a 3 in 1 fungicide/insecticide/miteicide
Thanks for the reply SRBII...very much appreciated !
get yourself a pump up sprayer for that stuff

i got me one for $9.99 + tax at ace hardware awhile back

it is two gallon and i have diluted fertilator in it

for foliarating :woohoo:

man those little pump bottles are cramping me up

i still got some little quart ones for: neem and ivory, epsoms, organocide, and AEM

i hope for (and will look out for another) sale and get a couple one gallons

to lessen(lesson?) my "space invaders" wrist(really started from "asteroids")
get yourself a pump up sprayer for that stuff i got me one for $9.99 + tax at ace hardware awhile back

Yeah as you get more and more plants you will appreciate not having to pump. I have a few that I use 1 for neem, 1 for e-salt and other various mixes, and 1 for worm team. If you do decide to foiler feed pick up a small bottle of dutch master saturator instead of using soap. Well worth the few bucks extra if you foilar feed.
Is it a good idea to use neem oil as a weekly spray? I have a bottle of it, but all the instructions are in Thai, so I have no idea of its uses. My seedlings are about 3 weeks old. Should I be using Neem as a deterrent?
Is it a good idea to use neem oil as a weekly spray? I have a bottle of it, but all the instructions are in Thai, so I have no idea of its uses. My seedlings are about 3 weeks old. Should I be using Neem as a deterrent?

The Bonide i have says for preventative to use on a 7-14 day cycle

*edit to add ingredients*
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil....0.9%
INERT INGREDIENTS...........................99.1%
The Bonide i have says for preventative to use on a 7-14 day cycle

*edit to add ingredients*
Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil....0.9%
INERT INGREDIENTS...........................99.1%


Just had a look at the bottle I've got. It's Bison Herbal, Plant Insecticide Repellent Herb Spray. It contains Neem, Citronella and Siam Weed. Everything else is in Thai :confused: