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Straffing the forums...

Been straffing the forums tonight cause nervous.  Wife is taking me ER on Saturday.  Was supposed to be today, but put it off cause had things to get done.  Thing is, no reason to be nervous.  Worse case, I loose part of right foot.  Been there, done that with left.  As long as there is no serious infection it is a three day stay and friends send pizza to my room.  Not a big deal.  We usually ship next day and have a great patron base.  I put up a sign that says I might be a day or two behind, they wont mind.

Maye it is just the idea that for a few days someone else is kind of in control.  You know, someone other than my wife.  Maybe it is all the sick people there. 
Like I said, been there done that with the left foot.  Not really scared.  Probably walk better if they even me up.  Its just the hospital itself that freaks me out a bit, being away from the kids, crops, and critters.  That and there are a lot of sick people in hospitals.  Cant sleep.  Well that and pain medicine kept me in bed for the last 24 hours, so kind of tired but nervous at same time.

Wife does my medicine.  I was all like, hey I think I am getting better, doesnt hurt so much.  She was like, ye I gave you an extra pill today.  I was like, oh that is why I am all warm and fuzzy.  Yep.
AJ Drew said:
Probably walk better if they even me up.
You are a glass half full person! Use the forums as you wish, glad they can distract you or bring you comfort. We'll be here if you need anything.
Hang in there AJ thoughts with you and family.
It will all work out.
Keep smiling and take it easy.
Get well soon man and speedy recovery.

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