Strangest growing container...

I'd love to hear or see photos of the strangest containers used for growing peppers. Could be soil, kratky or any other grow method.

This is a Melon Rocoto growing in a 5 gallon water tank kratky setup. Supposedly these water tanks are algae proof so we shall see. Apologies for the sideways photo.


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The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Actually, that is what I used instead of Solo cups my first growing season. I had read somewhere, not here as I wasn't a member yet, that you could cut a bottle in half and use it to grow plants.

I also made the mistake that year of starting everything in January. Everything as in everything in the garden. My wife was kinda pissed when I had 6 three foot tall tomato plants in the window above the kitchen sink because I had started them so early and had no other place to put them untill the frost was gone.
someone who has more experience with kratky can hopefully answer better, but aeroponics  and even DWC have air added; so a pump running and oxygenating your nutrient solution
true aeroponics the roots are only in a mist whereas hydroponics they are dipping into the water or nutrient solution  
FITN said:

This is a bit off topic but what is the benefit of aeroponics over standard hydroponics such as kratky or DWC?
Nothing is ever off topic here.... ;)
Not to be corrective, I had to learn this over the years myself, but to start aeroponics is a hydroponic system.> EPIC GARDENING - Hydroponic Systems

There are six main types of hydroponic systems to choose from:

Wick Systems
Deep Water Culture (DWC)
Nutrient Film Technique (NFT).
Ebb and Flow (Flood and Drain)
Drip Systems

I don't know why Kratky differs as the Wick System differs in that others use water and pump, I read that as water - works, and no work is being done in these two system. Of course someone here may have an explanation and I will learn more!
I never really thought of aeroponics as being a type of hydroponics but I guess you guys would be correct. I have done a small amount of research on the different types of hydroponics such as aeroponics, kratky, DWC, aquaponics, Dutch buckets and wicking to name a few. I guess I should be a bit more specific in my question. In most hydroponics the roots are somewhat submerged in a water/nutes solution. However in aeroponics, the roots hang in the air while being misted with solution. Is there a benefit to one over the other or is it just a different way to get the same results? More then one way to skin a cat basically.
FITN said:
I'd love to hear or see photos of the strangest containers used for growing peppers. Could be soil, kratky or any other grow method.

This is a Melon Rocoto growing in a 5 gallon water tank kratky setup. Supposedly these water tanks are algae proof so we shall see. Apologies for the sideways photo.
Those 5 gallon water tanks apparently aren't as algae proof as I had thought. I left town for two weeks and when I came home, not only had all of my plants been infested with aphids but this tank was full of algae and the rocoto had died. Bummer deal