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lighting T5 lights

What makes T 5 lights better than using shop lights with full spectrum bulbs? I hear the energy output being lower eventually makes up the cost. True? Are they really that much better?
It the initial lumen out put of a HO T5 that makes them so appealing. Approx 5000 Lu per bulb.

High Output T5
20% more light intensity then comparable fluorescent grow lights. No frequency filtering. No noise. Rapid start. They simply consume more electricity than their non-high output counterparts.

I currently run Quantum Triphosphor Lamps @ Grow (blue) Bulb - 93.5 Lumen / per Watt for 6500 Kelvin.

They are a little pricey but I really like them. They are time tested and proven themselves to me.
t5's cast BRIGHT light and have enough to veg a plant just fine. not flower tho. you do not need a 2foot wide x 4 foot long section with 8 bulbs like most hoods want to sell you. you only need 3-4 to light up that area perfect. they cast lots of heat vs a t12 or t8 tho.

t12 is only good for keeping plants in a moderate to suspensiful growth and cloning imo (best for cloning)

t8 can get ya growing, but not like a t5. dont try cloning with either or. you will have bad results next to a t12 (softer light and easier on the baby stressed plants. getting CUT hurts lol)

as for bulbs. all you need to do for veg growth is go to home depot. look at the bulbs. the lower the "light kelvin #" . for example 3000. the more RED the spectrum is (red = flower production). 5500 or 6500 bulbs are cool blue in color and are for vegetative growth. full spectrum sounds bogus man. dont buy t5 or ANY T bulb from anywhere but your hardware store. its same spectrum's as in a hydro shop. they just sell you on it because they think people dont know what the numbers mean.

It the initial lumen out put of a HO T5 that makes them so appealing. Approx 5000 Lu per bulb.

High Output T5
20% more light intensity then comparable fluorescent grow lights. No frequency filtering. No noise. Rapid start. They simply consume more electricity than their non-high output counterparts.

I currently run Quantum Triphosphor Lamps @ Grow (blue) Bulb - 93.5 Lumen / per Watt for 6500 Kelvin.

They are a little pricey but I really like them. They are time tested and proven themselves to me.
I have a HO T5 Light from sun blaster it consumes less than 30watt and I can link as many as 7 together.....