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harvesting Tabasco Harvest 10/26/08

I really like Tabasco powder and more is on the way. I still have at least this many green peppers. My plants have been dwindling down to about half and have not cut any back yet this year weather still looks ok, above 50F. I love how it makes my house smell.:lol:

Looking good..

I love the Tabasco powder as well, only just got into drying them and the flavour is so good...

I can't dry chillis in the house, cause the g/f gets a little cranky...
:lol: .... looks like today was tabasco harvesting day PRF...I harvested mine too and gave the plants an extreme haircut...gonna see how a couple of them do just planted in the ground with a bucket over them thru the winter....
Yeah AJ just saw your pic on your thread, that is a lot of McIlhenny for sure. Good to know these plants produced so well for both of us. Definately a keeper in my garden. I have some in the ground also and been thinking of piling mulch around the stems, the bucket might not give the plant enough air over winter? Just saw the 6 O'clock news and saw a cold front coming the middle of the week. Low 40F Wed. and Thurs. night then warming back up. I think my plants can make it through this time.
I do not really like that McIlhenny produce but I love the taste of the tabasco pods. And you have a wonderful harvest!