• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tommy's Datil Pepper Grow 2014 Low Tech!

I got 25 pounds of commercially grown Datil Peppers last summer and saved off a bunch of seeds.  
Like my grandmother used to do, I started them off in egg cartons with organic soil from a local vendor who specializes in Native Florida Plants here in Sarasota.
Here's the first sprouting - this was about 8 days into the process.




My high tech grow box.  
RocketMan said:
Lovin the high tech there Tommy! Fataliis and Datils are my 2 most favorite peppers.

Happy growing
Thanks!  Nothing better than good old mother nature and a Publix milk carton.  :D
I really like the Datil.  They're so different than any other.  
Better not let Publix see the high tech set up. Maybe it says on it, but I can't read it, that it's OK to use for growing Datils. Anyhow, hope they do well for you. My sauce turned out really well.
kentishman said:
Better not let Publix see the high tech set up. Maybe it says on it, but I can't read it, that it's OK to use for growing Datils. Anyhow, hope they do well for you. My sauce turned out really well.
I know.  I'm waiting for the Publix Police to come crashing through my door and confiscating my hot box.  In my defense, it is cracked on the side and not really usable for milk any more.  

This is about 6 weeks from planting the seeds.  I have 9 more little ones in the 
egg carton.  They'll get moved to another high tech grow box over the weekend.
I may not have enough room in my garden for them all and the seeds that are
coming in the next two weeks...if anyone is close by and would want 2 or 3 just let me
know.  First come, first serve.

These are jalapenos.  I had some seeds, some serving cups and a couple of egg crates.  I may be a little late to do seed planting  here, but what the heck...nothing ventured...nothing gained.  
Good looking plants! I have heard Datils are great... I have never had one but I do have 1 plant I intend in planting out in about 6 weeks!
JoeFish said:
Good looking plants! I have heard Datils are great... I have never had one but I do have 1 plant I intend in planting out in about 6 weeks!
Thanks!  They're really a great tasting pepper.  They bring the heat of a habanero, but with kind of a citrusy flavor.  