• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tunafeesh just logging some growth.

got 7 or 8 pepper joe seed packs 2 weeks ago and got things started...

back row is a yatsufuca, 2 chocolate habs that havent done a damn thing yet, and some mystery peppers up front. mystery peppers bring some serious suspense to the party.

2 bhut jolokia in the back...left side hasnt done anything yet but got some action on the right.
and up front is a wee little tentacle of a chicken heart on the left and 2 pots of pumpkin habs that are off to a good start
so heres 2 pots of mystery goodness up front with a yatsu and some so far inactive chocolate habs in back. hopefully those little monsters pop up soon so that they can do some catching up.


and up front in this one i have a chicken heart that has only sprouted a sad looking little tentacle that hasn't done much in days and some pumpkin habs that are coming in quite nicely and in back are some bhuts. one pot has 2 healthy sprouts and so far nothing from the other.


damn seed casings are all trying to hang on for the ride still...

also have some going downstairs (some more of these above, anaheim, hungarian hot wax, some generic habs and jalapeno), but im just waking up and don't quite feel like putting pants on yet so i'll have to get back to those
managed to get some pants on and work my way downstairs...

anaheims coming up on the left and hungarian hot wax on the right


and the great beast who watches over them


the downstairs plants have been having a growing party the past few days:


gettin some proper leaves now on randoms, pumpkin habs, and chicken hearts. still no dice on chocolate habs though.



dominican hab getting its first taste of the outdoors for a few on this unnecessarily hot day


frank the great beast has been bested by this record 89 degree heat today even with a haircut.


howdy do...back for some updates...things are coming along slowly but surely. this damn new england weather is rearing its head as usual. a plus for the peppers, as its been on the warmer side mostly.


dominican habanero is on its way upwards and outwards. going to get a bigger home soon


the yatsufuca (left) and some mystery peppers (right) are showing some trues now
choc. habs in the back are doing a whole s-load of nothing after a month and a half so i'm going to try getting a few late starts in to see what happens...if nothing then oh well


some anaheim kiddos trying to find some sun on a cloudy afternoon


some mysteries and pumpkin habaneros that have been doing quite well as of the last week or so, going to have to split them all up soon


bhuts are joining the party as well


sorry about the shite cell phone photos...i gave up on buying nice cameras after my 3rd digital managed to make its escape from my pocket somewhere

updateski time:

separated a bunch of the little dudes that were potted together into their own homes for a bit until they make their way to their final destination of 5 gallon buckets.

top to bottom here is bhut, random, anaheim, bhut and 3 randoms that despite my virtual abandonment have done quite well jammed in together. I suspect the one thats just growing straight up like grass is up to no good but we'll see i suppose


top to bottom here (middle row) is pumpkin hab, domican hab (had just over a months head start hence the towering height in comparison to the rest), hungarian wax, and a couple more anaheims


and finally top to bottom here is another pumpkin hab, yatsufuca cayenne, and 2 mystery plants. since i separated these guys from their brethren and gave them their own pots they've taken off quite a bit


so far so good, everyone seems to be green and growing for the time being. i've been giving them a little outdoor treatment on nice days, though those have come 50/50 at this point but it seems like the weather is at least trying to stay somewhat consistent (for new england anyways)
So after battling some bacterial mayhem, I lost a few plants, a few are coming around well, and a few came out unscathed. The Hungarian wax and mystery pepper plants are doing quite well, my bhut is coming along slooowwwwly but surely especially over the last week or 2 after seemingly doing nothing for awhile. The pumpkin hab and yatzufuca took a bit of bacterial thrashing but the yatz is taking off big time as of late so it seems to have recovered well; pumpkin is taking a bit longer but is definitely coming around. Also getting some flowering on the hungarian wax and the mystery plant is pushing out some small flower buds as well.

Mystery Pepper...ooooohhh the suspense




Pumpkin Habanero


Hungarian Wax



Got some fresh pics of growth as of the other day. Last month or so has been productive for all these dudes.

Hungarian hot wax is pumping out some fruit but looking rather sparse.


Yatsufuca is leafy and starting to pump out flowers and tons of buds all over the place.


This ghost took off bigtime over the last month. Big leaves and starting to produce pods


This Pumpkin hab has taken a beating this year but its also producing some pods even if it isn't pretty


And lastly, the mystery pepper. This thing is a beast and just wont stop growing. It's in the midst of a spurt of flowering and fruiting. Can't wait to see what kind I've got here
