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Unknown yellow thingamajig

It's yellow.  Haven't had a chance to taste test it yet.  It's not like anything I THOUGHT I planted.  Anybody have a clue?


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I'm betting its either got NO heat at all or it will be Habanero level.  It almost looks like one of those yellow lunchbox or snacking peppers from the market .... if I had to guess.  
BlackFatalii said:
I doubt it. The calyx in the first picture looks a bit big for a typical chinense variety. I think it is more likely to be an annuum variety. Are you getting multiple pods/flowers per node? Pics of the plant and flowers could help verify the species.
Haven't had a chance to taste it yet, but plant, unripe fruit, multiple pods per node?  I'm kinda new at this...


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theboogeyman said:
Awfully brave of you to assume I can count.... But I'm guessing three?
Yeah, its kinda hard to tell there, but a NODE is any Y in a branch or, basically, the branches crotches. Lol. If a branch Ys, 1 to multiple fruits will grow from there, depending on species. Annuums have 1 pod per node (with the exception of some first crotches that Ive seen multiple on annuums, then the rest are single).
Chinenses have multiple. So depending on how many YOUR plant has, we can deduce which species it is. Pepperoncini are annuums. Im growing orange Pepperoncini by burpee, and they are darn close to your pod.

Green on small plant

The orange fatter pod on the right is a Pepperoncini, and so is the skinnier one right above it. Same plant.

Im still thinking thats what you have. But I really am guessing, too. Lol

EDIT: Im speculating that annuums with multiple pods on the first node have, or will have, another branch growing from there later on. :shrug:
Well, it sounds like you might be right. I'm still waiting in a new one to ripen, but my guinea pig at work said they're pretty sweet and mild. They're over twice the size of my peperoncinis though!
theboogeyman said:
Well, it sounds like you might be right. I'm still waiting in a new one to ripen, but my guinea pig at work said they're pretty sweet and mild. They're over twice the size of my peperoncinis though!
They’re really good pickled, ripe or not! Even a quick “cold-pickle” is pretty good.

Many recipes, though. These are pickles/cucumbers^^^^^^^^
theboogeyman said:
That sounds really good. How do you like the orange compared to regular?
Hmmmm......I guess I don’t know. I’m not sure what color a regular one turns. I’ve only ever eaten them pickled and green. Store-bought stuff.
UPDATE:  Nope, nope, nope.  Definitely not a peperoncini.  Co-worker said it was milder than jalapeno heat.  First bite was slightly warm and a hair sweet.  Second bite my face went numb.  I have about two seconds of that before the heat hit (I wasn't expecting the heat, co-worker was pretty adamant that it was mild - I'm thinking his pod wasn't on the plant long after it turned color), then it made me start coughing.  Unfortunately, I was mid-swallow when that happened, so I had hot pepper come out my nose.  After about twenty minutes of my life that I never want to repeat again, the heat finally went away.  All I can guess is that this was a really fugly, mutated Jamaican Hot Yellow.  It looks nothing like my other JHY plants, but they are supposed to top out about 200k, and this was a tad milder than my experience with the Hab I thought was a Stuffing Scotch Bonnet, so that seems right.
I hope you guys found this amusing, so at least something good came of it  :onfire:
Bhuter said:
Hmmmm......I guess I don’t know. I’m not sure what color a regular one turns. I’ve only ever eaten them pickled and green. Store-bought stuff.
How hot would you say the orange are compared to the regular?  Same, more, less?  The more I look at the Burpee ones, the better they look, but it doesn't say anything about heat, other than they're a "Hot" pepper.