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Using beer in a sauce recipe?

Hey all!

So my friends birthday is coming up and I was hoping to make him a special batch of 'PBR hot sauce' for the occasion. I've made traditional and fermented batches already with great success...but I am wondering the safety/feasibility of making one that includes beer.
Any input is very much appreciated!
An update for you all! Been figuring out what my friend likes on his burritos because he's vegetarian and I'm completely unaccustomed to burritos that aren't stuffed with steak or pastor or carnitas or some other kind of meaty wonder...but it seems like the smoked NM red hatch seems to be the way to go! I'll be going with one of the hoppier stone brewing offerings, maybe a double bastard, to give a true beer flavor over the 'ceremonial' PBR. Will take/post pictures for you guys!
If you are fermenting, I'd actually use a Belgian Trappist style beer that has a live culture in it - and add it at room temp near the end of your mix. You'll get the added benefit of have a somewhat active yeast culture from the beer (from the famous WLP500, WLP530, WLP550 yeast strains) that could give a pleasing jump-start and add a nice fruity flavor.

Your fermentation will probably speed up noticeably as well, and shorten your cycle time. I personally would even look to add a touch of live yeast culture of the above strains mentioned... and think about adding some peaches or nectarines, as it'll pull out a nice compliment.
At the end, I'd still do a quick pasteurization/canning through the usual "old world canning" type boil when the sauce is ready... just to be safe (kill all biologicals) and get you a few years stability in the cupboard. 
Great idea about smoking the NM chiles. I've been sun drying some and they are all red now. I was looking for ideas to make a sauce using the chiles PaulG gave me at the PNW Chilefest. The idea of mixing smoked NM chiles, PaulG's hotties, and quality dark beer sounds intriguing. Time to get to work. 