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Using Dried Pasilla Peppers?

Good morning pepper heads :D
I was curious, has anyone had a chance at making hot sauce out of Pasilla peppers? How did your attempt at it go? Also did you use water or vinegar to rehydrate them?
I'll also post how my attempt goes when I start it.
Also yes I know Pasillas aren't really spicy, but I want to use them for their super dark shades. I'll most likely through either a ghost pepper or a few super hot habeneros in there for the heat.
Many dried peppers are re-hydrated first. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Kill the heat and put in your dried pods. Let them soak for about 20min and then process. Toasting them slightly before hand is also popular.
Try a few first and see how it works for you. If its too bitter try them again but first remove seeds/veins before the hot water bath.
Ghost should be ok for heat without a huge impact on flavor. All depends how many you need and if you want it to taste like a chinense sauce. I wanted something hotter for than purpose. Dried pods will change the flavor less and mainly just add heat.