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fermenting Wanna Be Sriracha (Quick Ferment) & Happy Feet' (Long Ferment)

Swung by farmers market, and just had to pick up a few pints of peppers. Decided try my luck at two new ferments; one quick and one slow.
Wanna Be Sriracha (seriouseats.com)
1 1/2 lbs Red Jalapeno
6 cloves garlic
4 T Turbino Sugar
1 T Pink Himalayan Salt
Food Process to semi smooth
Add to container w/ 1oz brine from active fermentation
Ferment for 7 days, stir once per day
Cook, w/ 1/2 C White Vinegar

Happy Feet
184 g Red Bell Peppers
100g  Red Jalapeno
8 g 7 Pot Bubblegum
130 g Carolina Reapers
26 g cloves garlic
100 g. carrot
75 g. raisin
Food Process to semi smooth
4% Salt solution to top mash
Add to container w/ 1oz brine from active fermentation
Going to let it for for 45-60 day
Taste, might add peaches or other fruit if heat us unmanageable 