• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

What Kind of People do you think you are GEEEEEZ!!!!!

Seriously,you people go around hear spreading positive vibes,free seeds,free info,and some free pods/giveaways.....What's with all the generosity???

It's like you think this STUFF GROWS ON TREES? Just who do you think you are just giving stuff away!?!?!?

Sheeeesh people,GROW up(LOL)!

Thx LDHS,and AJ for the schwag(not pictured AJ's puree!!)

Thx Lunch Box...You have a HUGE garden!!!hahaha


Mgold even had the nerve to label his...WHAT AN A-HOLE,right????


In all seriousness thx a bunch you all ROCK!!!
Also thx to Ajijoe,BT,and Tex16 for the seeds you all sent!!

WOW!!!! It must be your birthday cause you got hooked up!!! lol nice! Ya, I love the people here on the forum! Lots of cool very nice people!!!
Nope it was just July...hehe

That was just stuff people were nice enough to hook me up with, here recently not all at once ;)
Seriously,you people go around hear spreading positive vibes,free seeds,free info,and some free pods/giveaways.....What's with all the generosity???

It's like you think this STUFF GROWS ON TREES? Just who do you think you are just giving stuff away!?!?!?

Sheeeesh people,GROW up

Hey. How come you got a shirt from LDHS?!?! WTH.

Matt. When it is my turn. ... Muhahah. Seriously all these guys rock. I haven't gotten anything from these guys but I've had my shares of a-holes who send your Pods for FREE. Even shipping. Geeze!!! Thanks Romy6...Shane. Melissa...windchicken... For pods and everyone else for seeds