What the flying **** happened to this Brazilian Ghost Pepper?

The leaves just started wilting a couple days ago and now it looks like this. All my other plants are happy, and I have no idea what happened here. It wasn't underwatered,  it's not crawling with aphids, no visible diseases, temperatures aren't particularly bad, but it died. Any ideas?
Big Kahuna said:
Pictures kind of blurry, looks like the stem is broken near the base?
This is what I see as well....broken stem...but hard to tell with the blurry pic....do you own a pet that maybe messed with it.
Ok. the stem is fine. It branched off in to two halves last year and one half died because of mites, so that one half is brown. It could have become unbalanced, but I'm not sure. I'll get some closer up pictures of the plant later today.
hogleg said:
I'm thinking a root issue, I would inspect them.
I was thinking the exact same thing
If not under-watered, then the roots may be rotting.
And, if that's the case, then it could be anything from over-watered to soil not drying out fast enough, to a contaminate already n the soil.