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health whats wrong with them?


Not sure what to do now? Not the best pic. From my blackberry.
To add they've kinda just stopped growing. Even some leaves coming off. All kinds. They've had quarter strength MG bloom buster a couple days ago, but were in similar shape then as well.
They need sunlight not a flourescent light now. Pot them up in to solo cups and put in indirect sunlight until they establish themselves then plant in the garden. They look like they need better soil than they have now, and a small dose of nutes. just need potting up is all.
I am wondering if it might be from swings in the amount of water they are receiving. The cells appear to be small and I believe that is algae growth on one. Is it possible that they were going through cycles of being too wet then too dry?
Possibly. Different mediums pictured too. Peat or coir and jiffy. Doubt they got to dry though. Probably too wet if anything. I generally bottom water too but spray the top with water occasiomally. Moisture in this cell is pretty stable. Maybe I should let them dry a bit. Potting up is probably going to help. Most seedlings are starting to show roots at bottom. I just checked. I potted up some like that last week but the root system wasn't that full
Definitely time to pot them into bigger containers. If they've never seen the sun go easy at first. Hour or so then increase it every day.
Might want to foliar spray them with some epsom salts. That will make them green up a little. About a tblsp. in a quart of water then spray the leaves. It helped mine when they were like that.

from looking at the purple on the leaves, I would say it is not light you need more of...transplanting is what they need...give them a good feeding when you transplant and like cjb said, a good foliar spray with epsom salt will go a long way towards greening them up...
from looking at the purple on the leaves, I would say it is not light you need more of...transplanting is what they need...give them a good feeding when you transplant and like cjb said, a good foliar spray with epsom salt will go a long way towards greening them up...

+1 on that
I may set them out in the shade in the front a little while in the evenings when I get home, then finish hardening them off. The anaheims, biker billy, and cayennes will probably go into the ground after that, the chineses may get potted up and grown out a little more before going in the ground. It's June, I'm in NC....need to get them in the ground! Got a late start. I've got poblanos, Bonnie jalapenos, bonnie cayennes and red chilis in the ground, but they were bought plants. Got a couple other various varieties that will get potted up as well and grown a little more before going in, but I think I have enough Biker Billy, and anaheim, I can put them in a suffer a little loss if it happens.
Mine would start to look like that if i leave them in the plugs to long. I agree with potting them up like other members have said.
Let them get dry. Potted up the ones I wanted to 16oz solo cups with a 3/8in drain hole drilled in it. Fed them and watered well once. Got them under the shade tree this morning. The are dark green and look good.