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harvesting When will your last harvest of the year be?


I am hoping that the best is yet to come for my chilli plants. July was a nightmare as I lost most of my plants, the survivors I had to cut right back (I was left with stalks and no leaves!)

August temperatures have been a struggle as usual too hot and humid with hot winds which my plants haven't liked, its only now that we get the odd fresh evening and morning that they are starting to resemble chilli plants!

I wondered being in Southern Spain when I can expect my chillies to stop fruiting. Will it be when the rains come and it gets cold?

I also wondered that if you keep picking the chillies before or just as they ripem will it prolong the fruiting season? (if that makes sense)

I would be interested to know when your fruiting seasons will end (as we all are from such a range of countries/towns and cities)

kind regards
You can harvest from your plants till temperature hit freezing mark, don't know what kind weather is in Spain.
915river said:
You can harvest from your plants till temperature hit freezing mark, don't know what kind weather is in Spain.

Really? They will flower til it freezes? I never knew that!

In our part of Spain we have really hot, humid summers, can expect heavy rain (hopefully in Autumn, if not then March) and when the rain comes we have Gota Fria where it pours down in large quantities flooding everwhere.
Jan Feb mar get chilly and we get frost (I am in the mountains)
The plant dies when roots and or foliage freeze, so you have untill the first frost.

I'm a mix between indoors and outdoors, so I'm putting as many as I can outside to load up with fruit and then bring them all inside to ripen and I'll keep doing this untill I cant put them outside anymore, then I'm 100% indoors untill next spring.
I'm with Omri. I've got a Bhut, Limon and Scorpion that haven't even started blooming or budding yet, and doubt they will until at least October (I'm in southern Ohio) so it will be at least November before I get any peppers.

Another question is if my lights are strong enough to support fruiting and ripening of pods and toms.

From the Chiles i planted outside once this round of pods ( some are the first round ) ripen they will be the last harvest.

indoors, i will probably harvest into october or November before i start some new plants
I'm bringing the plants over a friends house and were going to grow them infront of a window over the winter....see how that goes...hopefully we'll get fruit.
The weather is so screwed up this year im just going to watch for the real frost warnings and pull my superhotties and other plants for next year..Ive seen snow on haloween this year to me might be a bit earlier..Im hoping for longer but doubt it im thinking it might be sooner this year been a crappy summer and the end wont be too much better im thinking
Probably some time into October and then the plants I wanna overwinter and those having way too many unripe pods on them will be taken indoors.
Lower sw MN is somewhat the same as Potawie and those north of us..October can bring most anything including freezing. I'll leave them out, cover with blankets as long as possible and bring the rest in. Peppers are so sensitive to temps, wish they were more like petunias which can take more frost and go on blooming until it's really winter...ahh but guess we can't have everything so my pile of blankets and covers stay handy.
