breeding Who Did the 7PJ x TS Yellow Cross? (Pic)

I couldn't find who made this cross in my notes. Come on now, whom among you is responsible?  I received the seeds in trade last year and grew two plants. Neither were very prolific, but i did finally get a few cool looking pods. They will definitely get grown again next year.

I knew this pic looked familiar- I commented on it yesterday on FB!!  :P  I too would like to know any added info about this pepper- would love to grow it too! (eventually taste it of course... the two parent stocks have such nice flavors on their own- they aren't lacking in heat either!) So have you indeed sampled them?- how's the heat/flavor profile?
The pictured left phenotype is my favorite, too bad to hear that it was just OK fruit production wise. Hope it does much better next season! Sometimes certain plants (don't know why) can be finicky and take a season to get acclimated, then really show off the next round! Anyone who knows more- please do tell...