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Why do fatalisi grow soo slow ?

hey guys i sprouted a fatlii see a while back and only now has four sets of leaves .. it verry healthy and a lot of people say they grow slow i've noted this .. i just yesterday sprouted 2 more fatalii seeds.. but Why is it that they are slow growers ?? i haven't noted this with any if my other chinenses usually they are the quickes ones next to the annums but what makes the fatalii slow ?
What's "a while back" mean time wise? Why do you say it's very healthy? Sorry about the questions, need input to help.
its been gowing about a month and a half now. It as nice green leaves and the soil that i use also keeps the oter plants healthy. its healthy just that .. they grow so slow .
peppermanbaha said:
hey guys i sprouted a fatlii see a while back and only now has four sets of leaves .. it verry healthy and a lot of people say they grow slow i've noted this .. i just yesterday sprouted 2 more fatalii seeds.. but Why is it that they are slow growers ?? i haven't noted this with any if my other chinenses usually they are the quickes ones next to the annums but what makes the fatalii slow ?

Some seed/strains perform better than others, but all of my chinense plants grow slowly until they hit that first major growth spurt; then it's Katie bar the door.
FadeToBlack said:
I'm growing Fatali and never really noticed any difference between them and other Chinense varieties im growing

+1. I didn't notice that my fatalli was growing slow. Seems like it was on par with the 7's, Naga's and other chinense's :think:
Mine is smaller than most my other plants but that is because it is in different crappier soil, could that be the case with yours?
I've seen plants of the same strain grow differently. Same soil everything. I think at times it could be one plant is in the cherry spot. Or simply the odds. I'm growing 4 Fatalii this year. 3 are pretty much the same size and one is bigger . But over all my Chinense plants seem to grow about the same.

No help I know ....

P. Dreadie
IMO if yours do take longer they are well worth the wait as they are delicious peppers.
I have one large plant in the ground that has been producing slow. Hopefully the pod production will pick up with the new growth.
mine are extremely slow but like silver mentioned at some point in time they do a spurt thing and almost overnight they bush out. I have a couple others that are 1/2" high and haven't moved in awhile.
I have a crappy soil mix also and am waiting for Promix HP with fungi love sauce to go on sale and will switch over to it.