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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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Yes the ornamentals look great small and shrubby. I have always wanted to make just one garden bed full of ornamentals in my driveway but because I only live on a normal suburban block my business plants always take over. I would love to have a black and purple chilli plant garden!

I have a cluster of Ebony Fire plants in a patch of the garden that are a nice black/purple with purple flowers. I'm trying to get one to regrow from the cotyledon nodes in a pot to produce two branches to twist and fuse too. I need though to try a bit of a larger experiment with how seedlings respond to losing their first true leaves.

Yes I am very particular with isolating and think if something isn't done right or not sure I would rather throw it out and loose money than disappoint a customer. I have also had it happen to me quite a few times in the past and it drives me crazy. You spend all that time, effort and money into growing it (and in my case isolating it) and then it fruits and is something different!

I also found non-authentic plants are an obstruction to my goal of finding hardy varieties with a decent flavour that grow well in my local conditions. I can imagine the wasted opportunity of isolating non-authentic plants when you could have been growing something else would drive you up the wall too.

I use a material that is insect and pollen proof and make cages out of them. It has taken many years and lots of money to try and perfect them and get the right design.

Is there a particular product code we can search for to find the same material. I imagine the expression on the faces of staff in a bridal store on their tulle netting supplies being raised by chilli growers. There would of course have to be another supplier of the specific netting you use.

There are way too many people out there just growing in their garden and thinking that just because a plant is 5metres away that it won't cross pollinate and then they sell the seeds on (usually ebay) for a quick buck and by the time you have grown them out you can't find the supplier anymore. Of course nothing is 100% secure/proof ( I may walk into my cage and a bee is on my back that I haven't seen) you never know nothing can be completely safe but I like to think that mine is 99.999% safe :halo:

Here are some pics from this season of some of my cages. All the plants in these are for seed selling.

New cage - the biggest I have. Will be eventually used for my BATO hydro systems with a screen in the middle to seperate the cage into two.



Those are some nice boxes. :halo:

Do they make good kites in gale force winds? ;-) How deep do you anchor the supporting rods?
Looking Good Candice,
I just put in place different sized bags around sections of the plant, branches or pods,
(I use that frost covering material, seems to do the job)
even so your correct in saying it still cant be 100% guaranteed
May i ask what people do with their excess seedling. See i have some excess seedlings which i can't repot due to lack of space but they are too healthy to throw away.
Some people just have a "other" pot that they throw them into. Otherwise you just chop their heads off. :eek:

Heres what i have been up to over the holidays, making a Aero/DWC hybrid. Well i actually made three but the othere\s are for veggies.

Just shows how big the container is, that's a largie in there.

Pump setup, also have a 4.5 ltr per hour air stone bubbling constantly in there. Was on a 15 on 15 off timer but i changed that yesterday to 15 on 45 off.


Purple Naga about two weeks ago (the roots only took a week to escape from the net pot like this)

Purple Naga yesterday

Been using worm jizz and chilli focus at an PPM of around 1000.

CAP 217 Hyper flowering nicely, pity it drops them all!

Pinochio plant, these things produce like mad. It's like a pod plant with a few leaves :lol:

First ripe Chiltepin
Some people just have a "other" pot that they throw them into. Otherwise you just chop their heads off. :eek:

Heres what i have been up to over the holidays, making a Aero/DWC hybrid. Well i actually made three but the othere\s are for veggies.

Just shows how big the container is, that's a largie in there.

CAP 217 Hyper flowering nicely, pity it drops them all!

Pinochio plant, these things produce like mad. It's like a pod plant with a few leaves :lol:

I also have habaneros flowering away but no chilli. Do i need to artificially transfer the pollen across or something. I got an inferno plant from bunnings and that's starting to produce. I love your pinochio plant.
I will send you some seeds when it ripens if you like. As for pollination a gentle shake of the plant usually does the trick, not to say it will hold onto the pods though!
They will set when they are ready, some people (like nasa) use a vibrator against the trunk. Or an electric troothbrush!
I will send you some seeds when it ripens if you like. As for pollination a gentle shake of the plant usually does the trick, not to say it will hold onto the pods though!
They will set when they are ready, some people (like nasa) use a vibrator against the trunk. Or an electric troothbrush!

Thanks Nova you are very kind. I might also give a try to your recommendations above.
Yes the ornamentals look great small and shrubby. I have always wanted to make just one garden bed full of ornamentals in my driveway but because I only live on a normal suburban block my business plants always take over. I would love to have a black and purple chilli plant garden!

Yes I am very particular with isolating and think if something isn't done right or not sure I would rather throw it out and loose money than disappoint a customer. I have also had it happen to me quite a few times in the past and it drives me crazy. You spend all that time, effort and money into growing it (and in my case isolating it) and then it fruits and is something different!

I use a material that is insect and pollen proof and make cages out of them. It has taken many years and lots of money to try and perfect them and get the right design. There are way too many people out there just growing in their garden and thinking that just because a plant is 5metres away that it won't cross pollinate and then they sell the seeds on (usually ebay) for a quick buck and by the time you have grown them out you can't find the supplier anymore. Of course nothing is 100% secure/proof ( I may walk into my cage and a bee is on my back that I haven't seen) you never know nothing can be completely safe but I like to think that mine is 99.999% safe :halo:

Here are some pics from this season of some of my cages. All the plants in these are for seed selling.

New cage - the biggest I have. Will be eventually used for my BATO hydro systems with a screen in the middle to seperate the cage into two.



Looks like everything is going well there Candice. Your plants are nice a green too!


Some people just have a "other" pot that they throw them into. Otherwise you just chop their heads off. :eek:

Heres what i have been up to over the holidays, making a Aero/DWC hybrid. Well i actually made three but the othere\s are for veggies.

Just shows how big the container is, that's a largie in there.

Pump setup, also have a 4.5 ltr per hour air stone bubbling constantly in there. Was on a 15 on 15 off timer but i changed that yesterday to 15 on 45 off.


Purple Naga about two weeks ago (the roots only took a week to escape from the net pot like this)

Purple Naga yesterday

Been using worm jizz and chilli focus at an PPM of around 1000.

CAP 217 Hyper flowering nicely, pity it drops them all!

Pinochio plant, these things produce like mad. It's like a pod plant with a few leaves :lol:

First ripe Chiltepin

pretty awesome there Nova :cool:
Can't beat the aqua/hydroponics, it's da bomb!

CAP 217 Hyper flowering nicely, pity it drops them all!

I recommend not allowing the CAP 217 plant to wilt or undergo water stress if you want it to set fruit. I had trouble with a Manzana Yellow plant that had leaves curling up at the margins just like your CAP 217 plant. It failed to set fruit until I sorted out the feeding and watering of the plant.

I also have habaneros flowering away but no chilli. Do i need to artificially transfer the pollen across or something. I got an inferno plant from bunnings and that's starting to produce. I love your pinochio plant.

Do you have any recent photos of your Habanero plants? I don't see any in your grow log.

Use a brush with black thistles to check if the plants are producing enough pollen. I had a lot of trouble getting plants to produce in past seasons due to bad potting mix and unsuitable (high Nitrogen) fertilisers.
Sure is Micca i can't believe how fast the Naga is growing. Only gets about four hours of direct sun a day!

Hey Harry do you care to share a bit more about your cap 217 experience? Like do they like it dry or moist?
JR suggested that i move it to partial shade so will do that, anymore info would be great, it also doesn't seem to like being fed what the other plants like.
Yup, the other units are smaller about thirty litres. In there is lettuce, cherry tomatoes and chives (the chives aren't doing so good). I'm just learning :D
Sure is Micca i can't believe how fast the Naga is growing. Only gets about four hours of direct sun a day!

Hey Harry do you care to share a bit more about your cap 217 experience? Like do they like it dry or moist?
JR suggested that i move it to partial shade so will do that, anymore info would be great, it also doesn't seem to like being fed what the other plants like.

Yeah been doing outdoor hydro for a year or two now and I am amazed at how fast and how big they grow. I have a new experiment this season, will have to post some piccies soon.

Hey Harry do you care to share a bit more about your cap 217 experience? Like do they like it dry or moist?
JR suggested that i move it to partial shade so will do that, anymore info would be great, it also doesn't seem to like being fed what the other plants like.

I'm not growing the CAP 217 but will comment based on my experience with other 3 Capsicum Pubescens varieties.

The past two seasons I operated on the idea of watering them only when they needed it. This season I let the pots become light but not to the point where the plant wilts. I'm applying the same method to the Capsicum Chinense plants too with success. I suspect that letting the plants get to the point of even beginning to wilt in past seasons resulted in flower drop from the plant trying to conserve water.

When it comes to how much sunlight to give a Capsicum Pubescens plant I found it depends on the variety. I have a weird bottlenecked Locato plant that since late spring doesn't tolerate direct sunlight but continued to produce fruit. The other Locato plant that matched the supplier's description (3 cm long x 2 cm wide pods) needed direct sunlight to bloom. When the weather isn't scotching hot I try to give it sunlight up to real noon.

JR's suggestion is a good one as you should try moving the plant to a different position with the goal of stopping the leaf curl. How much direct sunlight is the plant exposed to at the moment?

I experimented with fertilisers on the orange Manzano plants and on the Locato plants. I found I had better results with fertilisers that are not loaded with Nitrogen.

The plants at the time I had began experimenting with the fertiliser had depleted the mobile nutrients from their containers. Foliar feeding the plants with Growth Technologies CalMagNit helped kick start the season. I still use it from time to time on the Capsicum Pubescens plants when they show signs of needing Calcium.

I used the following granular fertiliser on a couple of the orange Manzano plants and a yellow Manzano:

Manutec Granular Fertiliser for Fruit and Flower

The orange Manzano plant that approximately shared the same potting mix as the two Locato plants at the time put on over two dozen fruits. I probably need to harvest the pods as it stopped putting on flowering after reaching capacity.

My original and largest orange Manzano plant grew into a monster until something caused the tips to turn brown and die back. I suspect I saw the impact of not keeping track of how much granular fertiliser I had applied.

I had success with Amgrow Nitrosol NPK 10.5:2.3:6.8 plus 1.68% Calcium on the Locato plants. I potted up the bottlenecked Locato plant into depleted mix by recycling the mix from a Jamaican Yellow Mushroom pot and ditching the plant purposely to avoid adding Nitrogen. This worked a treat as the plant continued to flower and put on pods after the transplant.

I had earlier transplanted the other Locato plant that had yet to flower back in spring using Brunnings Tomato Magic mix. The plant went on a Nitrogen trip until it depleted the Nitrogen from the pot. I had to back off on fertilising this plant until it went through the Nitrogen from the new mix.

I transplanted my orange Rocoto #4 plant from a small 1.5 L pot into a 15 L pot filled with the same mix. This in hindsight was a mistake because of the poor quality of the potting mix and the sheer amount of Nitrogen.

Since the weather warmed up I feed the plants with quarter strength Amgrow Nitrosol in rain water. I try to stick to a schedule of feeding them on days with a "t" in them. I avoid using tap water due to its impurities such as Chlorine content through Chloramine.

Would you say the leaves on your CAP 217 plant seem a bit more yellow than they should be?
I recommend not allowing the CAP 217 plant to wilt or undergo water stress if you want it to set fruit. I had trouble with a Manzana Yellow plant that had leaves curling up at the margins just like your CAP 217 plant. It failed to set fruit until I sorted out the feeding and watering of the plant.

Do you have any recent photos of your Habanero plants? I don't see any in your grow log.

Use a brush with black thistles to check if the plants are producing enough pollen. I had a lot of trouble getting plants to produce in past seasons due to bad potting mix and unsuitable (high Nitrogen) fertilisers.

Check out my grow log now. Posted pics.
Thanks Harry thats a lot of info that will be put to use.
The 217 is currently getting about five or six hours of direct sunlight, the mix i used to pot them up into was a potting mix that contained dynamic lifter (about 3ltr to 285 ltrs) and mushroom compost (50ltr to 235 ltrs) coco coir with slow release fertz (60ltr to 228 ltrs) and also 50ltrs of perlite. I am thinking after what you said that they may have too much N.

I also feed with worm jizz and chilli focus about one a fortnight sometimes more. As for your question regarding yellow leaves i can say that it doesn't have yellow leaves at all my PI 641001 has and so does my White Flower Pube. Not yellow to an extreme just mild.
Other pubes whilst not flowering at all seem happy and healthy.