overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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geeme said:
Sounds like Gassy needs some cheering up. Let's see if these don't help….
The view down my block:

The view from my side door towards my neighbor's garage:

And since this is a growing thread, how 'bout this pic of my "overwinter" chile plants???

Yeah, those dogs don't hunt no mo'!
Did those work - feel better now???  :D
G, WTH? Cheer me up?? It's still been like 10,000 degrees C here lately. Humidity over 300% or something the other day. I would do anything to be able to look outside and see a scene like that! ;) Ah, but seriously, the thought cheered me up heaps. Legit. :) And I got a good chuckle too. Your "overwinters" look spot-on identical to my "in seasons"! haha. (But then the heart hasn't exactly been in it lately either. Summer here can really be soul-crushing at times.)
Oh well, whatevs, it's (supposedly) autumn now (or hopefully gonna be soon). A much better time of the year to grow here, IMO. Putting down my first lot of new starts next weekend. I'm getting that little tingle of excitement just anticipating it. :D Was gonna do it this weekend but it just doesn't feel like quite the right time yet. Faintest hints of autumn in the air but it is still uber predominately summer. And that's just no bueno.
Very nice harvest there, Aussie, love the color! 
harry said:
I finally managed to get Junglerain's Sukanya Rocoto to hold onto a couple fruit:
In your honor, Harry, I started 6 pubescens seeds today. I am trying a little different approach than in the past and will post in my glog if things work out well. Congrats on the pods!
Oh Gassy…. I grew up in weather like yours so I know how oppressive the heat and humidity can be. Like you said, no bueno. But you're just going to have to trust on this - I will take the heat and humidity over this icky white stuff any day. Not only is it COLD (did I mention I hate cold???) but it's also really very dirty. You can't tell very well from those pics, but the road dirt combined with the snow just makes for a lot of very cold, slushy mud. If you go grocery shopping before they clear the parking lots, you end up dragging your cart to the car because the wheels won't roll in that stuff. Snow removal (from driveways, roads, sidewalks, etc.) is a huge business, but you still likely need to shovel quite a bit as your darling city might fine you if you don't. And, of course, if one fails to bring the plants in on time, they go bye-bye. Bleh. At the end of the day it's a "choose your poison" proposition - scalding heat or freezing snow. I'd like to find a place in the world where it doesn't get hotter than, oh, 88F. And no colder than 60F. Anyone know such a place? 
The Caribbeans would be nice :cool:  mmmmmmmmm Pina Colada's, beaches and great Chilli growing mmmmm.
Hey Gas I can sniff that Autumn is coming WoooHooo
geeme said:
Very nice harvest there, Aussie, love the color! 
In your honor, Harry, I started 6 pubescens seeds today. I am trying a little different approach than in the past and will post in my glog if things work out well. Congrats on the pods!
Would you happen to know if the C. pubescens you grow can have purple stems when grown in direct sunlight? The plants that are better able to protect themselves from intense light are the ones that were more productive this season.
Aussie said:
Picked a few more this morning from overwintered plants that were put in ground for the summer. The plants that produced these peppers are the same age (seed planted Aug 2014 2013) and have been grown under the same conditions. From taste tests these are among the hottest that we grow. I will post the test results later this week, once they are dried and powdered, extracted and analysed. It will be interesting to see how our tests compare with other data on these varieties.
Douglah (SLP seed). Not a prolific producer and very late season, compared to others. Big peppers.

Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion (JR seed). Smallish plant with well structured growing habit. Prolific, smallish to medium-sized peppers, some of which grow pointing upwards. These peppers sunburn easily. I'm sure that this plant would do better out of direct, strong sunlight.

H2PPB (SLP seed) aka reaper. I have 2 plants in ground side-by-side, one is putting out small fruit, the other is producing these nice big peppers. These plants are medium-sized and are moderately productive.  
Wow looking good!
Impressive my friend, the pods look very healthy/deadly

Hey Aussie guys n gals, look what Coles Supermarket is selling:
Well, judging by the photo I have NFI what they are ... lol green reapers xD and umm err ... $350/Kg haha!
Did anyone know of this or tried any, are they legit?
Anyway, sad news for me ... my last harvest for this season:

In that photo are Yellow 7s, Choc. Bhuts, Peach Bhuts, Yaki Blue, Biker Billy Jalapenos and an unknown type.
How did everyone else go this season?
With the mild summer we had my grow was not as good as the previous year. I got more pods overall compared to last year but that's because I had way more plants.
Ha... just mentioned Coles and Reapers in another thread. Someone here in Oz chasing seeds. Myself, couldn't care less about 'em TBH, but each to their own, I guess, and nothing wrong with that. As for what they're supposed to look like, does anyone have a clue? As far as I can tell, pod shape is all over the shop anyway. Stable my ass. :rolleyes:
Mild summer?? You bastage! Our last one here was the most ridiculously extreme I can remember and it would appear that even autumn thinks that it's summer now too. Just say the word and we can swap if you want?? ;)
Oi, shitty photo but any idea who this little fella is, nukeDaze?

Nothing too thrilling but a few piccies from last season...
C. chinense 'Frog Poo'

C. annuum 'Redback'

(Plant was munted by mites and only produced a few pods but all looked identical with a single stripe)
Purple Flash x Hot Fish (IIRC)

Just peeked inside the germ box and...

Gah dammit, C. microcarpum.
(No, it wasn't me, the dipstick beheaded itself... haha)
Been waiting on that for probably over a month now. :banghead:
Ah, but on a lighter note...

Those guys I only put down like three days ago. :D
gasificada said:
Mild summer?? You bastage! Our last one here was the most ridiculously extreme I can remember and it would appear that even autumn thinks that it's summer now too. Just say the word and we can swap if you want?? ;)
Yeah wow, didn't realise you guys had a hot one! And NO ... no swapsies ... 1. BrisVegas  2. Fruit Flies ... need I go on :P
gasificada said:
Oi, shitty photo but any idea who this little fella is, nukeDaze?
Jesus H Christ, could you make it any smaller?? Flap me, I'm an old fart with poor eyesight and you post that!!
Err ... I think they call that a spider ?? :P
It's an 'Araneus' rotundulus ...  AKA Yellow Spotted Orb Weaver.
Nice pod shots btw
WTH is a C. microcarpum ... never even heard of that species. Tell me about the pods on one of those!
Also wth is a Redback??
nuclearDays said:
Yeah wow, didn't realise you guys had a hot one! And NO ... no swapsies ... 1. BrisVegas  2. Fruit Flies ... need I go on :P
You needn't had gone past #1, but #2 is also a VERY good reason. Seriously, I hate it here for #1 alone.
nuclearDays said:
It's an 'Araneus' rotundulus ...
For some reason I read that and this started playing in my head...

Got this other MASSIVE mofo that usually makes residence around the area of my back steps every night but do you think he's (she's?) been there since I wanted to get a photo of 'im?? Perhaps he's gone bye bye for the winter?

I tell ya, the other night I went out for durry, forgot to turn on the light and walked straight into 'im. Not normally one to wet my pants over a spider, I sure screamed like a little girl that night and spent the next 10 mins frantically wiping my hair to make sure he wasn't still on there haha. He was back the next few nights but haven't seen him for about a week.
nuclearDays said:
WTH is a C. microcarpum ... never even heard of that species. Tell me about the pods on one of those!
I'll let you know if I get one to grow. ;) Ah, not even sure myself TBH. Wild species seeds I obtained recently. I guess I could google it but then I do like surprises....
nuclearDays said:
Also wth is a Redback??
You're eyesight must be failing you again....



Hybrid. The photo was of F3 I think (really should keep track of this stuff). I dunno... it looks like a redback to me! Well, minus the body and legs and all that...
gasificada said:
You're eyesight must be failing you again....


Hybrid. The photo was of F3 I think (really should keep track of this stuff). I dunno... it looks like a redback to me! Well, minus the body and legs and all that...
Ahh FLAP ... I'm a dumbass, I didn't even make the connection but now that you mention it, it is appropriately named!
nuclearDays said:
Hey Aussie guys n gals, look what Coles Supermarket is selling:
Well, judging by the photo I have NFI what they are ... lol green reapers xD and umm err ... $350/Kg haha!
Did anyone know of this or tried any, are they legit?
Anyway, sad news for me ... my last harvest for this season:

In that photo are Yellow 7s, Choc. Bhuts, Peach Bhuts, Yaki Blue, Biker Billy Jalapenos and an unknown type.
How did everyone else go this season?
With the mild summer we had my grow was not as good as the previous year. I got more pods overall compared to last year but that's because I had way more plants.
Excellent harvest there Nuke. Some fantastic colours  :cool:  . Don't get me started on those so called Coles Reapers and at $350 Bucks a KG they can blow it out of their @#%$ specially when they aren't even Reapers
gasificada said:
Ha... just mentioned Coles and Reapers in another thread. Someone here in Oz chasing seeds. Myself, couldn't care less about 'em TBH, but each to their own, I guess, and nothing wrong with that. As for what they're supposed to look like, does anyone have a clue? As far as I can tell, pod shape is all over the shop anyway. Stable my ass. :rolleyes:
Mild summer?? You bastage! Our last one here was the most ridiculously extreme I can remember and it would appear that even autumn thinks that it's summer now too. Just say the word and we can swap if you want?? ;)
Hey Mate there are a lot of Reapers getting around that aren't the real deal. Here is a picky of some of mine that are the REAL deal. I have only half the amount as I do with my 7-Pods as they will tear you a new one! Kept seeds if anyone interested :P

gasificada said:
Oi, shitty photo but any idea who this little fella is, nukeDaze?
Nothing too thrilling but a few piccies from last season...
C. chinense 'Frog Poo'

WTF Gas Frog Poo??? Looking very interesting is this your PDN cross?
Hey, Micca, mate, good to see ya!
The Reapers I saw at my local looked more like yours, for the most part anyway, although there was a bit of variation. Wouldn't surprise me if they weren't flogging off something else, though. :rolleyes:
The Frog Poo (call it as I see it haha) was actually a CGN 21500 cross... or CGN 21566... I can't remember now (I had various of each going). The colouring would have me suspect the 21500. F2 gen, I do remember that much. Last season was such a dismal one that I didn't keep track of much of anything really. Just couldn't be assed, if you know what I mean. =\
How'd things go over on your end? Hand full of nasty looking things... seems you did alright? ;)
gasificada said:
Hey, Micca, mate, good to see ya!
The Reapers I saw at my local looked more like yours, for the most part anyway, although there was a bit of variation. Wouldn't surprise me if they weren't flogging off something else, though. :rolleyes:
The Frog Poo (call it as I see it haha) was actually a CGN 21500 cross... or CGN 21566... I can't remember now (I had various of each going). The colouring would have me suspect the 21500. F2 gen, I do remember that much. Last season was such a dismal one that I didn't keep track of much of anything really. Just couldn't be assed, if you know what I mean. =\
How'd things go over on your end? Hand full of nasty looking things... seems you did alright? ;)
Yeah I have seen lots of different shapes from the so called Coles Reapers. What a farse!!
Nice cross there Mate, will be interesting to see how it grows out.
My season wasn't the best, I sacrificed my growing for working on my boat and doing it up(took a lot of my time up). Just started a new job now so working 10hr days and probably Saturdays too in the near future. I need to setup some auto watering or something for next season.
Not even sure I saved seeds, that's how much I was into it last season haha. I still have the plant, though. Nothing more than twigs right now after a good prune, but yeah, I think it's still alive.
How'd you go with the boat? Taken her out yet?
Auto watering... yeah, I'll take that and auto everything else if it is available haha. Seriosuly, though, auto watering WOULD help heaps. Maybe an investment I should be considering too.....
I remember you were bummed out last season. Battling everything can do that.
The boat has been out once so far. 20nm off the coast, my mate lost a big fish and I got a harlequin fish. So she is christened :-)
I want to do auto watering with individual drippers so you can control how much each one gets but will see if I get enough spare time
So tiresome. Trouble is, I have a heaps bad habit of biting off way more than I can chew. If I had the self-restraint to grow just a handful of plants, I'd be able to take heaps better care of them and shit wouldn't be such a problem. So easy to get carried away. But then the other trouble is too, been so busy lately that a small handful would probably only equal 2, maybe 3 plants. Yeah... that ain't gonna happen haha.
Nice one! So she goes alright and the hard work payed off?
Not that I know much about auto-watering systems but setting up individual drippers does sound like it might be a bit on the fiddly (and thus time consuming) side.