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overwintering WOO HOO! Overwintering!!! (damn Aussies....)

Get fired up!!!;)

Freeze warning tonight!:)

1 last harvest! AAAAAAAAAW YEAH!!

Pick those green pods! WOOT WOOT!

Cut those gorgeous plants down to inches, put them on life support and pray that they hold on til spring!!!! I mean....til.....spring. Til.......:(


I only plan on keeping 3 or so plants to overwinter this year.

Got the new bulbs......woohoo.....

Time to set the timer.....yeeeeha.

Should be an exciting winter. At least there will be something to watch come January when I sprout some seeds.
Overwintered a dozen so far another another 7 or 8 and the rest go to the great compost heap in the sky,Still have about 20 inside ripening ;)
Not sure how i`m doing but have 21 plants under lights next to the wood stove and they are actually putting out new flowers.Gonna cut them back but???Never done this one before but what the hell and good luck to all.Tips welcome aka advise
What's overwintering?? hehe...j/k

I've never had to do it to the plants in the ground......they still produce most of the winter and then i cut them back pretty harshly at the end of August and they are sprouting and getting all excited by early September....and most have chills already...

Gotta love the Aussie climate!!!!
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Oi Oi Oi
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Oi Oi Oi
Aussie Aussie Aussie
Oi Oi Oi

don't hate us because we're Aussies, we don't hate you because you're not

hey moyboy - for us, overwintering is a bit like the Loch Ness monster, we keep hearing about it but none of us have seen it :lol:
from about Canberra south on the east coast it gets too cold to have peppers survive outside over winter. I'm in Sydney and my plants just manage to survive the winter outside and unprotected, we probably get down to zero deg C 3 or 4 times in winter with a few frosts here and there, luckily no snow. up north where bent and billyboy and stillmanz etc live they are in a pepper growers paradise and can farm pretty much all year and it's even better in north Queensland.
Anyone who thinks I actually hate aussies is mentally challenged. I just show my jealousy in a playful way that should remind them to make the most of the growing season they have!

Ended up with 4.

Choc C Chinense - Awesome huge gorgeous pods
7 pot - a monster. it had a tap root like a tree.
purira - a machine! loaded with pods at the end
Trini hot cherry - just started really going in Oct. Figure it needs a longer growing season.