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Year End Reviews

Thought about adding this to my growlog, but was afraid it would just get lost. Plus, I thought it would be nice to hear other people's experiences from this growing season.

Aji Panca - Germination 1 out of 2, plant went in Earthbox. Growth was very slow with everything in the boxes. I believe it was an issue with the mix I used. There were flowers, but no pods at first frost.

Aji Yellow - Germ. 2 out of 2. One plant went in the ground at the community garden, and the other in a pot here at the house. Both plants grew very quickly, but the potted one received a good bit more shade and was just forming flower buds at first frost. I pruned it some, and placed it in the garage. Thinking about trying to overwinter it. The one at the community garden produced a few pods (see my thread on Aji Yellow vs. Lemon Drop for pictures). I would say the heat level is comparable to a Cayenne pepper, but it has a citrusy smell and flavor that kind of reminds me of a habanero. Liked this one a lot.

Alma Paprika - Germ. 4 out of 4. One went in the garden, one in an Earthbox, and two in pots. The one in the ground performed the best, again may have been an issue with the potting mix I used this year. Unfortunately, the one in the ground turned out to be a mystery pepper. I believe it was a cross with Lipstick, a sweet pepper which I grew in the same planter with an Alma Paprika I grew last year. The pods started out green, instead of cream, and were shaped like Liptick. The flesh was very thick, like an Alma Paprika though, and there was a slight bit of heat, which Lipstick doesn't have. The container grown Alma's were stunted and had smaller pods than normal, but all grew true from seed.

Ancho Gigantia - Germ. 2 out of 2. One went in the ground at the community center, the other ended up dying a slow death in the pot ghetto. A little puzzled by the name. Wondering if it refers to the size of the plant, or the pod size. I think the seeds cames from Seed Savers Exchange, which describes the peppers as 4" in length with a medium heat. The few pods I ended up with were much smaller than that and still green at the first frost. Haven't tasted one yet. This may not be a fair evaluation though, since the conditions at the community garden are pretty harsh. Full sun from sunrise to sunset, soil is compact and in serious need of amendments, and it is hard to be consistent with the watering, since it is done by hand and not on a sprinkler system.

Ancho San Luis - Germ. 1 out of 2. This one got a prime location in the garden here at the house. It was a large plant, over 3' tall. It produced a half dozen or so very large 5" - 7" pods, which were still green at first frost. They are in a bag indoors, and are almost all red now. I have used a couple, and really like the flavor. Mild heat.

Chilhaucle Rojo - Germ. 2 out of 2. One in the garden, one in a pot. One of my best performers this year. Plant was approx. 3' tall and very productive. It was also one of the earliest to ripen. Medium sized, triangular shaped pods, medium thick flesh. Heat fell somewhere between mild and medium, but dissipated with cooking. I dried quite a few of them and made a hot paprika, used some in salsa, and hot pepper jelly. Very pleased with this one.

Chimayo - Germ. 2 out of 2. Plants were tiny, like 12" - 15" tall. Bloomed early, but pods were only about 2" long, smaller than what they appear in pictures I've seen, and even the shape didn't seem quite right. Not sure if this one came true from seed. If anyone has information on what this one that would be aprreciated.

Cosa Arrugada - Germ. 1 out of 2. Went in the garden here at the house. Plant 2' - 2 1/2' tall, and very bushy. The productivity on this one was close to what I had on the Serrano, absolutely loaded with pods. Pods were wrinkly, flesh was thin and sweet, no heat for the most part. The flavor was nice. Used them mainly for drying into a sweet paprika.

Czechoslovakian Black - Germ. 2 out of 4, then one sprout fizzled out. The remaining plant went in the garden. Height was about 2', very ornamential, but productivity was not as high as the Black Hungarian I grew last year. Though similar in heat and flavor, I have to say I preferred the Black Hungarian out of the two.

El Oro De Ecuador - Germ. 2 out of 3. One went in the garden, one in a pot. Both were victims of our very strong spring winds :(

Fresno - Germ. only 1 out of 4. The plant was very compact, not more than 12" - 15" tall, and only produced about half a dozen pods. However, the flavor was good, and the heat similar to a jalapeno. Mine had upward facing pods. Is this how they normally grow?

Georgia Flame - Germ. 2 out of 2. One went in the garden, and the other in a pot. The one in the pot actually produced my first ripe pepper of the season, but then became the unfortunate victim of a soccer ball. The one in the garden was a little slower to produce, but was productive for a large chile type pepper. Pods were 6" - 8" long. I'm puzzled about the lack of heat though. Seed Savers listed it as hot, Tradewinds Fruit lists it as ~ 1,500 sku, but mine had no heat at all. Wait a minute, I take that back, the one pepper on the potted plant had a medium heat, it was the pods on the one in the garden that didn't have any. Not sure what that means, since the seeds were out of the same packet.

Jalapeno M - Germ. 3 out of 3. One ended up at the community garden, one in the garden, and one in the pot ghetto. Community garden plant did not do well at all, only a few mishapen pods, probably the victim of some sort of insect? The one here at the house did well, quite a few, large pods, but no heat. I know that Jalapeno M is one of the milder types, but I'd guess these were at 500 sku at best. Had the same problem with TAM Jalapeno last year. May have to break down and try Biker Billy next time ...

Jimmy Nardello - Germ. 1 out of 2. This plant went in one of the Earthboxes, and struggled for the first half of the season (like everything in the Earthboxes). Only got a pod or two out of it. Heard so many good things about this one that I may give this one another chance in a better location.

Joe E. Parker - Germ. 2 out of 2. One went to the comm. garden, the other in an Earthbox. Guess which one did better? Plants were 2' - 2 1/2' tall, and the comm. garden plant produced quite a few pods. Thought they would have a little heat, but didn't notice any.

Kalocsai V2 - Germ. 2 out of 4. One in garden, one in Earthbox. The Earthbox plant only produced a pod or two, but the garden plant was very productive. Pods were a little longer, and more pointed than a jalapeno, but flesh was thinner than a jalapeno. Guessing the heat level to have been around 5,000. Used mainly for drying into hot paprika powder.

Lemon Drop - Germ. 2 out of 2. One went in the garden, and was the victim of spring winds, so used the other plant to replace it. Huge, sprawling bush-like plant, super productive, no ripe pods at first frost. Most turned to yellow after picking and bringing indoors. Heat similar to Cayenne pepper, but sort of bitter, didn't like the taste. Will try again with a different seed source, since I've heard this is not typical of this pepper.

Pasilla Bajio - Germ. 2 out of 2. Hmmmm ... really? One went in an Earthbox, and I have no clue where the 2nd plant ended up. Tall plant, late to set pods, only 2 or 3 unripe pods at first frost. Is this one worth trying again?

Peppadew - Germ. 2 out of 2. One sprout died, the other went in an Earthbox. Slow to set pods, had several small unripe pods at first frost. May try again in different location.

Puya - Germ. 2 out of 2. One sprout died a slow death in the pot ghetto, the other went to the community garden. Slow to take off, but had several small pods at first frost. However, they didn't look quite like the pictures I've seen. The top half was starting to turn red, but the bottom was still green. The had extremely thin skin, no flesh, no heat, and no flavor. Another one that I'm wondering if I should give another try from a different seed source.

Sandia - Germ. 2 out of 2. One went in the garden here, the other at the comm. garden. The one at the house was extremely productive for an Anaheim type chile pepper. Lots of huge pods, the skin was a little bit tough though. The problem, once again, was mine had no heat. All the sources I've looked at list it as 5,000 - 7,000 sku. Mine didn't even have 700 sku! I've read that stress will make peppers hotter. Maybe I'm just treating mine too nice? :lol: The one at the comm. garden was simply pathetic. Pretty sure there was some type of insect problem there, but couldn't see any visible bugs.

Santa Fe Grande - Germ. 2 out of 2, but one sprout died. The remaining plant went in the garden, and was one of my favorite peppers this year. Similar in size and shape to a jalapeno, but starts out cream, then orange, and finally red. Heat was also similar to a jalapeno, but much sweeter. I loved the flavor, and will definitely grow this one again. Great for salsa, and pepper jelly. Thick fleshed, so probably not the best choice for drying.

Serrano Tampiqueno - Germ. 1 out of 2, but I bought a second one from a local nursery. Mine went in the garden here, the purchased plant went to the comm. garden. No surprise, but the one at the house was much more productive; however, the pods at the comm. garden ripened earlier. The plant here at the house probably had over 50 pods on it. At first I was disappointed in the heat level, but once I tried a red one, the heat level was more what I had expected. More heat than flavor I think. They were a good addition to salsa though.

Whew, well, I guess that pretty much sums up my growing season. There were a few on my growlist that I didn't get any germination on, including Rain Forest, Fish, Choricero, Espanola Improved, Pimente de Padron, and Numex Pinata.

Now that I've evaluated this year, it's time to start looking ahead to next year's growlist!
Very nice and informative. I wish more people would do this.. even if just a few thoughts on the peppers they grew. All it would need was 1. It grew well/bad, It tasted good or bad, and it was mild/med/hot. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
Well for the first time growing certain types...

1 Aji Lemon... great taste, good producer.
2 Bishops crown, great for poppers, not the best raw/plain.
3 Datil... Heat took their toll mid season, but doing nicly again, very tasty... nice heat.
4 Choco Fatali... novelty pepper, no heat, and a bell pepper flavor. Won't bother with them again.

Have a choco bhut still waiting to ripen, along with a choco bonnet.
I'll go with it

Trinidad Congo- 4 of 4 germinated.Couldn't stop them from growing. Plants grew about 3-4 feet high produced a ton of peppers. Thin flesh very hot. Made great sauces and powders.

Black Congo- again 4 of 4 germinated. see above. produced like mad. Smoked these before drying for powder.

Aji Yellow- Slow to start but then ran rampant producing a lot of pods.
made great powder and a wicked suprise in lemon bars....

Serrano- 1 of 4 germinated and didn't produce so well for me. What I did get made great salsa peppers.

Hungarian Super Hot Banana-3 of 4 germinated. Didn't produve a lot, but what did came out huge. Biggest bananas I've ever seen.

Mucho Nacho. 3 of 4 germinated but produced poorly.

Cayenne and Chile de Arbol. 4 of 4 of both germinated and produced like mad. Sauces, flakes, powders all great.

Poblano 3 of 3 germinated and produced poorly for me.

Naga Morich x Bhut Jolokia? A suprise pepper I didn't know I had. I actually sent a pic to the seed supplier to ask what it was and was informed that they believed it was the cross I mentioned. It produced big pods early and produced all year. I had 3 of these and got hundreds of hot juicy peppers. They were great in hot mustard and everything else.

Fish pepper. I bought this one. produced a lot of peppers but they were the smallest fish peppers I have ever seen.

Sweet Banana. Did okay. 3 of 3 germinated ...I love canning these with a hot banana to make a good mix and a sweet hot relish.

Seeds were germinated in my basement with el-cheapo 3 dollar "day" lights in a fluorescent set-up. About 80 degrees 12 hrs on/12 off light cycle. Also used a fan gently blowing on them during the "day" cycle.My setup ran me around $75. Easy. Superhots were started 2nd week of Jan, the others on Valentines day in small plastic cups in Jiffy seed starting mix. All peppers were grown in ground with a shovel full of Pro-Mix vegetable soil under them. Full sun all day. Zone 6. The ones in the raised bed did slighly better, growing bigger but not necessarliy producing more pods.
Heres the "cross" I mentioned
Very nice and informative. I wish more people would do this.. even if just a few thoughts on the peppers they grew. All it would need was 1. It grew well/bad, It tasted good or bad, and it was mild/med/hot. Thanks for taking the time to do this.
You're welcome, Beaglestorm! I think it helps to hear how varieties did for other that grew them. Then we can decide if our experience was typical or not, and whether to give that variety another chance.

In addition to your list, I also like hearing how the pepper was used - fresh, dried, for canning, sauces, etc.
I'll cover the new ones for me to start with:

Pusa JwalaThis was simply an awesome plant/pepper! Prolific, resistant, surprisingly tasty, and surprisingly hot! Will grow this every year!

ArunaAnother Indian Cayenne type. Another resistant one (to BLS at least), Produced a little later, but was also surprisingly flavorful and was probably the hottest annuum I've had. Prolific near the end of the season. Will consider growing again.

Damini An Indian birdseye type frutescens. Very long season, barely produced anything for me, won't grow again.

Yatsufusa Very hot and prolific cluster type, resistant to leaf diseases. Green pods had a slightly sour aftertaste but dry red pods have good flavor and burn! Probably won't grow again because Thai reds fill in this niche better with better tasting green pods.

Aji Omnicolor
Beautiful plant! Prolific and tolerant but sensitive to BLS which is rampant in my growing areas. Interesting flavor, I like it but I like Serranos and the above Indian chiles better, so probably won't grow again.

Chile Hidalgo
Very resistant to leaf diseases but not as prolific as other serrano types in extreme heat/humidity. Nice and compact. Will grow again.

Serrano Huasteco Very prolific and resistant to leaf diseases such as BLS. Grew well all season. My favorite serrano so far! will grow again for sure!

Jalapeno M Produced later than the "early", was more resistant to BLS than the "early" but less prolific and flavorful as the "early". Heat was inconsistent but that seems normal for jalapenos. Probably will go with a hybrid in the future.
Wow schism, that is a loaded pepper plant

Highalt that is a nice report. Enjoyed reading it. I am not a good record keeper. I could never count how many
pods I get off a productive plant. Let me see what I can remember off the top of my head.

Chocolate habanero was the slowest pepper to germinate for me. I believe 3 of 4 germinated. The brown
habanero's have not been as productive as my other hab's. I grew jamaican hot chocolate last year and it
was the same production as the choc hab, a little below average for me. The flavor is very good.

Bona ma jacques, had only one plant, and that was plenty. Potawie was nice enough to send me these
seeds. Was not on my grow list, but then decided to squeeze this one in, and I'm glad I did. It was
loaded with peppers and keep on producing until the middle of september. The flavor was very good on this
one also.

Trinidad Scorpion cardi. Another very productive plant, very good flavor. Dried most of the pods for
a christmas present to a friend from Guam.

Billy Biker. Nice jalapeno, very hot with large pods, and a good producer. This jalapeno has lasted the
longest and still has small jalapeno's on it. Will grow it again.

Jalapeno M. Very hot and for me a medium producer. Good jalapeno ,will grow it again.

Tobasco, I put one bought from nursery in the ground and one from seed in a earthbox. One in the ground did lousy, just now
producing about 10 peppers on a very small plant. The one in the earthbox from seed grew very large with tons of peppers.

Aji Crystal. Attractive waxy looking pepper. Thick walled and crunchy. Medium heat, good flavor. Liked it a lot.

Wild Brazil. Another very productive plant. Still getting peppers. Attractive plant, spreads more than gets tall. Good flavor.

Bhut Jolokia's. Had the poor things in the smaller pots all summer. Pepper abuse. I still got some peppers from them. The
red bhut's are my favorite to dehydrate. Makes my sunroom smell so good.

Siling labuyo. I received these from Erwin. The plant was loaded with pointed 1/2 inch long peppers. I liked the flavor a lot.
The only problem I had is the peppers were soft when red. Maybe too much sun.

Sweet Pepper

Carmen F1. Very good hybrid. Very sweet with a good flavor, second to Jimmy Nardello's. The Carmen's do seem to take longer
to get red.

Gyspy . Hybrid. Sweet pepper, not as good as Carmen, but more productive. Lots of peppers from one plant. Worth growing. Wait til they
are good and red.

Jimmy Nardello. What can I say, this is my favorite. Very sweet, about the same as Carmen, but taste better.

Super Heavyweight Bell Pepper. Purchased seed from Tomato Growers Supply. Another hybrid and it was indeed a heavyweight. Largest
bell peppers I have ever grown. Growing again next year.

Big Bertha PS , another hybrid from Tomato Growers Supply. Very large elongated bells. Was very happy with this one also, good amount of

Quadrato Asti Giallo. My favorite tasting bell pepper. Very sweet for a bell if you let it get some yellow color. Productive and big.

Socrates X3R. Hybrid from Tomato Growers Supply. This was the earliest pepper. Nice blocky bells. Not as productive as my other
bells. Only had 1 plant. I have heard it is a productive pepper. Maybe in another spot it would have done better.

Ancho 101. Productive, hot, but not very big. The biggest were about 3 inches, but most of them about 2 inches. I think they are
suppose to get bigger.

Onza. Had problems with the seedling from the beginning. 2 out of 4 died. Fuzzy looking leaves, small peppers. I was thinking
they would be as big as anaheims. They were the right size for the variety. Once they get going in the garden they do pretty
well. I won't be growing them again.

On the sweet peppers, you really have to wait until they get completely red to taste the sweetness and full flavor.
I didn't keep track of germination rates...

Datil- good producer, nice flavor and decent heat, pods are small. A little overhyped imo.
Fatalii- seeds were crossed, one of my favorites :(
Trinidad Perfume- plants had some kind of issue from the start, plants were diseased looking and stunted from day 1 but still produced quite a lot of pods, but the pods were small. Flavor wasn't that great imo.
Assam Bhut Jolokia- CPI-type bhut jolokia strain.
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia- one of my favorite superhots, excellent smokey bhut jolokia flavor, and one of the coolest looking pods.
Yellow Bhut Jolokia- MASSIVE producer, very fast grower, and completely bulletproof plant. Monster producer all year long despite aphid and mite attacks. Very nice heat with a flavor very similar to red bhut jolokia. After I cut it back to almost nothing to overwinter it was full of tons of foliage 2 weeks later. The best growing plant I had this year. It grows like a hybrid tomato.
Naga Morich- huge plants and massive producer. Several hundred pods per plant, same flavor and heat as bhut jolokia but far more productive, though not as cool looking.
Bih Jolokia- very good producer, but not as good as naga morich, and pods are smaller. Probably won't grow it again, since it doesn't seem to offer any benefit over naga morich.
Trinidad Scorpion- good producer, very tall/large plant, pretty late season. More of a standard chinense flavor compared to other superhots. These are my favorite general use superhots. I can use them to spice up Mexican food without screwing up the flavor like bhut jolokia, yellow 7 pod, or douglah do.
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T- about the same as a regular scorpion, but pods are smaller and more shiny, and probably a little hotter.
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga- extreme heat, equal to Butch T as far as I can tell, and the pods are bumpy and very cool looking with tons of placenta inside.
Aji Cristal- massive producer, does well in cold weather, produced tons of pods very early and very late in the season. The pods take an eternity to fully ripen though. Not a whole lot of culinary uses that I could tell, but I think they would be great for pickling. Pretty nice heat and decent flavor. Good crunch, they're good on sandwhiches too.
Aji Limon/hot lemon/lemon drop- great producer, 5+ ripe pods per plant every day with solid heat and excellent flavor. One of my favorites. Very light lemony flavor. :hell:
Red Savina- big pods for a chinense, very good heat and flavor, and easy to grow. Very similar to caribbean red, a little redundant growing both imo.
Black Prince- small ornamental, stayed in a 1 gallon pot all year yet still was loaded with ~30 tiny pods all year long. Hot but no flavor, won't grow these again since they have no culinary use.
Pimenta de Neydey- very cool looking plant, hot, and pretty decent flavor for an ornamental.
Red Scotch Bonnet- good producer, big pods, a little mild for a chinense, nice flavor
Brazilian Starfish- tons of pods all year long, big plant, very cool pod shape but pods are small, chock full of seeds and not particularly flavorful. Not much use in the kitchen.
Jamaican Scotch Bonnet- Great bonnet shape, decent producer, excellent flavor and probably about 200k scovilles. I really like this one.
7 Pod Yellow- huge pods, very hot, not a pleasant flavor imo. Tried one in salsa and it overpowered and ruined the flavor. Maybe better as a powder or something, but I find the flavor harsh.
7 Pod Douglah- about scorpion-level heat, very strong aroma and flavor. I'm not in love with the flavor like most seem to be, it's a little overpowering and also sort of a harsh flavor, though not as much as the yellow 7. Hard to use in food. Maybe better as a powder? Germination was poor, but the plants that germinated produced well. It was the best producing brown/chocolate I had.
7 Pod Jonah- larger than regular 7 pod, better flavor, about the same heat as a scorpion, maybe slightly less. Fruity flavor and not as overpowering as the bhuts/nagas.
7 Pod- smaller pods than Jonah, not quite as hot, and not as productive. I would rather grow more Jonah plants since I find it to be better in pretty much every way.
Large Red Rocoto- great flavor and heat, thick flesh, only got 5-6 pods off the first year plant. Hopefully I'll get more off the overwintered plant because I really, really like these.
Mayan Love Cobanero- small, grape-sized annum with tons of seeds. Kind of like a large tepin, but not as good as that sounds like it would be. Not very useful fresh, but would probably make a very nice powder. Didn't get very many pods but they were in a pretty shaded location.
Madam Janette- large yellow pods, average producer, regular yellow chinense flavor. Not real impressed.
Red Devil's Tongue- cool looking pods, hotter than a regular red habanero. Not very productive but they got hit hard by mites.
Macapa Red- small, red chinense pods, shaped like tiny roundish bell peppers but exactly the same flavor as a red habanero so I don't really see any reason to grow it again.
Pequin Firecracker- cool looking, very colorful ornamental, practically zero culinary value.
Cili Goronong- extremely productive, very unique long wrinkled pod shape. Regular yellow chinense heat and flavor. Aside from yellow bhut jolokia, it was easily the most productive yellow chinense I grew this year.
Congo black Habanero- one of my favorites for flavor, average producer. Germination wasn't very good. Taste is excellent though.
Bonda Ma Jaques- average producer, nothing too noteworthy. A little better than your average yellow chinense I suppose.
Cumari- hottest bird pepper I've grown, one tiny pod will light you up. Unique flavor that's fairly distinct from other chinenses. It's extremely aromatic, when someone eats one tiny pod I can smell it 5 feet away. The flavor can overpower dishes very easily. Still trying to figure out the best way to use it. Makes a nice chile vinegar though. The plant is about as easy to grow as they come and produces non-stop all year long.
Cumari Pollux- TINY pods, a lot smaller than even a chiltepin. One of the most unique flavors I've had. Pretty hot, the dried ones taste like fruit loops. It would make an excellent powder imo. One of my favorite wilds.
Arribibi (sp?) Gusano- chinense flavor and heat and apple-like undertones, produces tons of pods, very easy to grow.
Harrold St. Bart's- large pods, orange-yellow color, pretty good flavor. Nothing too noteworthy.
Burkina Yellow- Maybe the best flavor of the yellows I grew.
Chiltepin- bulletproof plant, one of my favorites for powder.
Piri Piri- one of the worst producers, had one in the ground and one in a pot, I probably didn't even get 100 pods between the two. They plants grew well they just didn't produce much fruit. They were one of the latest starts, but still had plenty of time. The chiltepins started at the same time produces several hundred pods each.
Rocoto Canario- only got one pod, I liked this one a lot as well, hopefully the 2nd year it will produce more.
Foodarama Scotch Bonnet & Scotch Bonnet TFM- pretty similar, good bonnet shape and flavor. I like these but there's no use in growing 3 types of yellow bonnets, so next year I'll probably only grow 1. Leaning towards Jamaican yellow scotch bonnet right now.
Mustard Habanero- huge yellow-brown pods, started extremely late so I only got a few pods, but I like this one. I'll be growing more next year.
Caribbean Red Habanero- excellent all around staple pepper.
Early Jalapeno- small plants, small pods, not much production, and didn't produce any earlier than any other jalapeno. Don't cork very much. Doubt I'll be growing these again.
Biker Billy Jalapeno- best jalapeno I've had, nice heat, thick flesh, and excellent flavor. I'll be growing a lot more of these.
Serrano- one of my favorites for use while green, and one of the very few peppers I eat unripe, probably the best pepper for fresh salsas. The most cold tolerant annum I know of, probably because they're from mountainous regions in Mexico. I'm amazed every year at how late they continue to pump out pods. It's almost November here in Zone 5 and they're still producing. Good red too.
Purple Serrano- not really shaped like a serrano, and doesn't really taste like a serrano. A gimmicky variety not worth growing imo. I didn't even pick these because they have no use in food.
Purple Jalapeno- see above, just replace the word serrano with jalapeno.
Joe E. Parker- nice large annum with good flavor.
Chimayo- really unimpressive. Poor producer and not much flavor.
Fish Pepper- cool looking variegated foliage and striped pods before they fully ripen, good flavor, pretty mild.
Cascabel- one of my favorites for powders, but mine hardly produced at all. I think I'll just stick to buying large bags of dried ones at the Mexican grocery store for dirt cheap instead of growing them.
Pimento- not sure exactly what variety these were, but they produced thick-walled, flattened pumpkin-shaped pods with excellent flavor. They would be perfect for hollowing out and stuffing. I really like these, but they didn't produce too well.
Large Hot Cherry- wasn't shaped like a cherry pepper, more like a poblano. Might have gotten crossed seeds.
Ring of Fire Cayenne- Lots of large cayenne pods, great for powders.
Thai Demon F1- VERY hot for a frutescens, plants were ~6 feet tall and produced very well. I like this one a lot, probably my favorite frutescens.
Siling Labuyo- very poor producer, nice small thai-type pods though.
Yummy orange- seeds taken from store-bought peppers, only got a few fruits. The fruits were 2-3 times bigger than the ones from the grocery store (I think it's a hybrid), the flavor was the same though. Very nice flavor for a sweet pepper.
Peruvian white habanero and Yucatan white habanero- awful germination, and the ones that germinated were sickly looking and quickly died. Complete failure on these, I'll try again next year.
Poblano- never produce very well for me, and the pods I get are small. I'm going to try the Tiburon next year.
Jamaican red hot- easily my most productive annum, massive producer but chock full of seeds, flesh doesn't have a good texture for fresh eating (thin flesh and waxy skin), and hardly any heat. Flavor is pretty ordinary. Probably only good for mild powders, but I probably won't grow them again.
Great reviews, Roper and Avon! Very useful information. I'm taking some notes to help with next year's growlist.

I'd love to see some more year end reviews!