health Yellow tips on leaves, is this bad? Am I doing something wrong?

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The tips of most of my peppers are a yellowish/brown. Am I doing something wrong?
I had them germinate in a bag for a few days until their roots were a bit exposed. I planted them in cell starters with seed starter mix and have them in a humidity dome ontop of a heat pad. I have the temperature controlled inside to be ~85F. I haven't used lamps yet as I thought I had to wait until the first set of true leaves have grown.
My question right now is, should they still remain in the humidity dome? Do they need light right now? I have grow lamps set up, but I thought they didn't need any light until the true leaves. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
moruga welder said:
:welcome:  !  time to keep the dome off those babies , and yes light , fan on timer , they'll rot with that dome and humidity on them much longer .     :onfire:
Thanks! I set up all the lights just now and timer set for 18 on, 6 off!
When exactly was the correct time to remove them from the dome? I still have some in the dome that haven't emerged from the soil yet so it'll be good to know for them.
carlcastro said:
Thanks! I set up all the lights just now and timer set for 18 on, 6 off!
When exactly was the correct time to remove them from the dome? I still have some in the dome that haven't emerged from the soil yet so it'll be good to know for them.
i take them out as son as they break soil . you can also reduce your light 16 / 8 