Your least/most favourite?

... and why.

Regarding flavour.

GO! :woohoo:

EDIT: I've notice some disparity recently regarding plants like Antillais caribbean, scorps, etc...
My favorite so far is the Santaka. When dried, it has such a wonderful aroma. I sprinkle the chopped/dusted bits on a lot of items and it adds a great warmth to food. Not crazy hot when dried and sprinkled...but a good kick if you just try to eat it.

least favorite?? big store jalapeno starters...just a disappointment.
Favorite: Fatalii

least: foodatama SB...dunno, just tastes like an xtra fruity orange hab to me. Fatalii may just have me spoiled tho.

Lemon Drop. Good heat and, if the pods are ripe, delicious strong citrus flavor.

Least favorite:

Green Serrano. I don't like green peppers, but especially dislike the green Serrano. The moderate heat combines with the "green vegetable" flavor, to create a taste that I find unpleasant.
Hard to pick a favorite, since it depends on what I'm using them for - but if I had to pick only one chile to use for the rest om my life it would be Orange Hab. Or fatalii. Or bhut. Or Aji Limon. Or...

Least favorite are green jalapeños. Se dragon49's explanation on green serranos for reason why. Still haven't tried any green pepper (including sweets) that I enjoyed.
Favourite so far I say would be red Bhut's. Only tried them pickled though, but I love the richness and the heat. I do very much enjoy the flavours of yellow peppers, and have quite a few of them going this coming season. :)
Least favourite, sadly, green peppers, be it jalapenos or serranos. I dislike the flavours of green peppers. But, I am yet to try a green pepper I like, I am open to trying anything so maybe one day the curse will break.

edit: I tried some pickled Trinidad Scorpions recently, I don't concur with people that don't like them. Flavour wise is incredible, but heat wise is not practical for daily use unless you can have them without effort (supply & demand) daily. To sustain a tolerance THAT high you would need to grow them commercially, even if I have scorpion sauces (60% or more in each sauce) weekly. It's just too impractical for me.
Well my top favorites are:
  • Anaheim (green, roasted)
  • Jalapeño (green, fresh)
  • Caribbean Red (ripe, candied/sauce/in dishes)
  • Jolokias (ripe, candied/sauce/in dishes)
  • Fatalii (ripe, candied/sauce/powder)
  • Scotch Bonnet TFM (ripe/green, candied/sauce/fresh)
  • Bulgarian Carrot (green, pickled)
  • Datil (ripe/green, fresh/pickled/powder)

Least favorite:
  • Any C. frutescens
I have a favorite chile for different uses. For sandwiches and pizza I like Habs, Scotch bonnets, and other chinense, for cooking and Mexican food I like green Serranos, Jalapenos, and green chiles from Asia or India. For using as a powder I like frutescens.

What i dislike most are mild/heatless/tasteless chiles from the supermarket and farmer's market.
Favorite: Jalapeno stuffed and roasted.

Also love them Pickled.

Least favorite: Bulgarian Carrot. Tough skin too.

Fiery Regards,
Pepper Joe
:dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: :dance:
been eating them all my life... family relatives worked in a canning factory nearby where they pickled them. one of the best, if not the best pickled pepper.
Favorite for taste: ornage Habanero
least favorite for taste: unripe Bell peppers

Favorite Overall: Cili(Malaysian) Goronong
least favorite overall: none
I grew more than 30 varieties last year, and the sad part is... there are very few that I truly didn't like. This year I'm growing many of the same peppers as last, as well as a few more. Honestly, it would be easier to say which ones I *didn't* care for... of which the top candidates would be the Datil, Paper Lantern Habanero, Mammoth Jalapeno (this one was absolutely horrible, I refused to even keep the plant long enough to eat a single pepper off of it), Sweet Banana, and Hot Banana. There's so many varieties... and so many of them are really good. And it's about impossible to grow all of 'em. :(

And never mind the crazy number of peppers in each of the major species.
For a real strong fruit pineapple flavor and aroma

I'd have to say Blondie C. Baccatum (leaves the Aji Limon for dead)

alot of ornamentals taste bitter (but I guess they're just for looks anyhows)