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Habanero Plant sick or what?


This is my one yr old Habanero. Last year it didn't
produce any peppers it just looked sickly almost the
entire year. It grew buds but all of them fell off.
It looked healthy towards the end of the year so i
took it inside and overwintered it with my Jalabanero.
Took it outside and it started to look awesome! Then
early this week it started to look sickly and now buds
are falling all off again... It hasn't gotten any
fertilizer (no more than what's in potting mix) of
any kind. The same exact lighting and watering my other
plants including the Jalabanero, all of them are doing great.

So do any of you better pepper experts or plant
experts see any kind of disease? Any suggestions
that might help? I can take other pics to if needed.
I kept the image huge so some expert can see it better.
You've never fed it anything but what's in the potting mix? I am no expert but the first thing I would try is giving it some liquid fertilizer.

Good luck.
Leaf Curling or cupping is usualy a sign of Magnesium Deficiency, get some Epsom Salts (Uncolored unscented) from your local drug store in the bath section.

Disolve 1 Table Spoon into a gallon of water and spray the leaves either in the morning or at night, not during the day.

Spray the tops and bottoms, and only do this once every two to three weeks.
Either is needs the salt spray or a nice gentle fert treatment.
or...It needs to be placed in a centerfuge to rid it of excess water after being drowned.
OK. I will use some Epsom Salt. I will have an update in a week. By then I should be able to tell if it made a difference. I'll give a little Miracle Grow later in the week
Not too big of a difference. The buds did stop falling off for the most part, but the plant still doesn't look great.


This Sunday I took all the old dirt out. The roots weren't extremely healthy looking and most of the root ball fell apart. I used mostly fresh Moisture Control Potting Soil and I added some Bone Meal for the bottom ½ of the pot. After I put the plant in that dirt I finished filling the pot up with same potting mix but I mixed in some organic Fertilizer (dried chicken poo n stuff (Miracle Grow stuff) and topped it off with some mulch.

This morning I looked closely at the plant and I saw some fresh green growth! So I think it may have fixed it... More pictures and another update come Sunday.

See all my other plants n stuff at http://www.jalabanero.com
Here is an update on the sickly habanero plant.


Now I hope it produces ripe peppers this year, buds are just now starting to appear
Starting to look more and more like a pepper plant--congrats.

If it were me I would grab a sharp knife or scissors and trim all of the dead or dying stuff off.
Very good work on the rescue! I've found my habs to be probably the easiest to grow, so your problem dumbfounded me. Mine are still thriving and looking good even though they are infested with white-fly, which I've been battling with almost daily. Again, good job.