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Bhut Jolokias

This is my first time growing Bhut Jolokias and I planted 6 seeds this year. After two months, two plants had sprouted and are doing well. Last week, a third plant sprouted almost 10 weeks after planting.

I am posting videos and pictures at our website http://www.HotSauceGuru.com

I know that the gestation period for Bhut Jolokias is longer than most, but this was a surprise. I have heard of people getting upwards of 100 good peppers from one plant. If you have planted Ghost Peppers in past seasons, how many did you harvest per plant?
I had four plants last year. One in a 7 gallon container did 163 pods. The other 3, all in 5 gallon, did 147, 134 & 185. I didn't count small pods or a bunch of early season pods that suffered from BER. Fantastic plants and peppers, my all time favorite. 3 of the 4 plants survived overwintering and it will be interesting to see how they do in their 2nd year.
I usually got anywhere from 1-2lbs per plant. I had one monster that actually gave me close to 4lbs. Sorry I never actually kept track of the number of pods.
I had five BJ plants growing last year and probably averaged about 45 pods per plant. I had a pH issue last year that I didn't get figured out until my season was almost over.
This is my first year having healthy bhut plants. Last year the couple I had died. I have about 15 Bhut plants right now. They better be true or a certain company is gonna get a nasty letter.

What does BER mean BigT.?
Hot Sauce Guru said:
I have heard of people getting upwards of 100 good peppers from one plant. If you have planted Ghost Peppers in past seasons, how many did you harvest per plant?

My biggest plant ever was a naga morich a few years ago that likely had around 2500 pods. I sure wish I had the space to overwinter it
My biggest plant ever was a naga morich a few years ago that likely had around 2500 pods. I sure wish I had the space to overwinter it

Mother of God Derek,

that is insaaaane!!!!!!!!

You have got some fantastic lookin plants there.
If you run out of space to stock your Bhuts/Nagas, remember I am there to lighten your burden, hehehe

Wow Potawie, what was your method to get the plant that big? It looks like you have a bottomless container set in the ground, unless my eyes are deceiving me. What kind of nutrients/feeding schedule did you use? I'm always up for hearing about how other growers do thing...
Ya, its a bottomless half barrel(Greek peperoncini barrel) set into the ground with pro-mix and manure/compost. I don't fertilize very much but I do give them the occasional feeding of 20-20-20 or other evenly balance fertilizer throughout the summer.
djsketchie said:
Wow Potawie, what was your method to get the plant that big?
I didn't treat it any different than my other plants, well maybe I did baby it a bit. It was however one of the best growing season ever for me weather wise, I sure need another one like that!
I had 1 plant last year that I got from a nursery and it didn't too to good due to aphids. This year I got some prime seeds directly from the chili institute and 6 out of 8 seeds germinated in less than 2 weeks. The are only about 6 weeks old, but all 6 are almost 4" tall and growing fast, but a lot slower then the other ahi, and Chinese varieties that are already over 6" in size. I like the heat of the peppers, but almost always pair it with another pepper for flavor.
That's an incredible plant Potawie. Shows what a giant root system and lots of sunshine are capable of. Nice work.
I usually only pot up when the plant is rootbound and needs a bigger pot but most of my plants end up in 5gal or bigger container The plant in my pic likely went through about 8 different pots altogether