Hey ya'll, the other day at the local hippy joint, (Whole Foods) I saw this stuff. I looked it over and put it back and continued with my shopping. I must have been out of my head or something but the stuff pulled me back like a tractor beam. So last night I get up the courage to try it. I got the cast iron going and sauteed, garlic, onion, pasilla, red bell, and pequins. Got that all happy then broke the weirdness out of the plastic casing, tossed it in the skillet and broke it up. The stuff is already cooked dontcha' know so really all you need to do is heat it up. As I am not working construction anymore, I don't need to carry as much weight around so have replaced meat and carbs with fruits and veggies and quit drinking. (temporary) Rather than a tortilla, I spooned the stuff into a bowl and felt like giving myself a treat so topped it with a little goat cheese. Here's some porn...
Behold! The weirdness...
Veggie's ain't a bad 'thang...
Looking pretty good ya'll!
The verdict:
Well the first bite I was thinking.."hey! not bad!" but as I chewed the stuff up and began to swallow, my enjoyment of this abomination of a concoction began to wane quickly. The spices in the soyrizo were okay and not bad but the texture of the stuff and overall flavor were wanting to say the least. Even the garlic, onion and chiles couldn't save this stuff. The texture was like half cooked cold cream corn without the flavor. The aftertaste of the stuff after finishing the bowl was something akin to the whole red chinese army walking through my mouth barefoot. What a waste of good veggies and goat cheese! In summation, if you see this stuff in the store...RUN!! RUN LIKE HELL!!! I don't know what trust fund dreadlocked, Lord board wearin', spliff smokin', rainbow shirt wearin', burning man festival goer came up with this tripe (sorry tripe, you're soooo much better) but I hope the government doesn't allow them to reproduce or at the very least uses their children for scientific experiments. This is a classic example of why vegans and vegetarians eventually ALL EAT CHICKEN!
Please find it in your hearts to forgive me.
Behold! The weirdness...

Veggie's ain't a bad 'thang...

Looking pretty good ya'll!

The verdict:
Well the first bite I was thinking.."hey! not bad!" but as I chewed the stuff up and began to swallow, my enjoyment of this abomination of a concoction began to wane quickly. The spices in the soyrizo were okay and not bad but the texture of the stuff and overall flavor were wanting to say the least. Even the garlic, onion and chiles couldn't save this stuff. The texture was like half cooked cold cream corn without the flavor. The aftertaste of the stuff after finishing the bowl was something akin to the whole red chinese army walking through my mouth barefoot. What a waste of good veggies and goat cheese! In summation, if you see this stuff in the store...RUN!! RUN LIKE HELL!!! I don't know what trust fund dreadlocked, Lord board wearin', spliff smokin', rainbow shirt wearin', burning man festival goer came up with this tripe (sorry tripe, you're soooo much better) but I hope the government doesn't allow them to reproduce or at the very least uses their children for scientific experiments. This is a classic example of why vegans and vegetarians eventually ALL EAT CHICKEN!
Please find it in your hearts to forgive me.