food The Last Great Pizza Thread

'Bout time we had a thread for all those that make their own dough and sauce. Too many good cooks on THP to let something as magnificent as that king of foods, pizza go unnoticed on this forum. This thread however comes with some rules to post...

1) Make your own dough and post the recipe. Thin crust. Whole wheat. Foccacia. NY or Chicago style. Naan....your choice!

2) Make your own sauce and post the recipe. Red. White. Olive oil w/ garlic. Whatever gets your mojo workin'!

3) Mandatory that it brings teh heat. Habs. Serrano's. Bhut's. T-Scorps. Fatalli. Hot sauce's and puree's will qualify. Using wimp sauce's such as Tabasco Brand or Franks will
be ridiculed with extreme prejudice and boooooed heavily!

4) Toppings can be anything. Pepperoni. Avocado. Greek olives. Pulled pork. If it came out of the ground or walked, swam or crawled, its all cool and the gang!

5) Bake them in the oven on a sheet pan. In cast iron. A pizza stone. On the grill. Got a wood fired pizza oven? Have mercy!

6) Pics are mandatory! Anyone can talk smack about it but put up or shut up. No pics? It never happened and ridiculing and boooooing will follow. Capiche?

Alright ya'll, lets get it on.....
Last eve I got my dough going. Now generally in any baking it is recommend to measure by weight but I have found that with pizza, more often I find myself measuring by volume and winging it. This dough is simple. When doing this dough, I like to rest it in the fridge for at least a day before using. It's chilling and getting happy now for use later today.

1 1/2 c of H2O warmed to 110f.
2 tsp of active dry yeast.
2 tsp of sugar.

I nuke the water and check with a thermo and then add to the yeast and sugar already in the mixing bowl. (You can hand mix as well)
Whir and stir well and wait for it to bloom.

I then added in stages with the KitchenAid on low speed...

3 3/4 cups of MorBread flour.
2 Tbs of olive oil.
2 tsp sea salt

It may be necessary to add more oil, flour or water depending how loose you want the dough.

When the dough starts to smooth out, I then remove it and cover with a cotton towel and put it in a warm place to proof.

Here's the pics.

The yeast and water bloom.


Mojo workin'.




If The Blues Kitchen is on the cool side, I warm the oven to about 160f and place the dough in there covered with the door open to proof.


Here's the loveliness more than doubled up. From here, I punched it down and portioned into 3 parts where it then went into ziplocks sprayed with PAM and then into the fridge to rest.


Later on today I'll crank up the pizza stone. Definitely on the ingredient list for today will be fresh chantrelle's, roasted garlic, sun dried toms and habs.

Who knows what else? Stay tuned to this same bat channel to find out ya'll!
Perfect Day for this thread TB, I am making pizza later this afternoon to munch on during some football action, however I made my dough yesterday so I dont have pics of that process but I will take some of the raw dough when I roll it out later. heres my recipes for the Dough and Sauce.. pics coming later when I start making it.

Pizza Dough

1 cup warm water, about 110 degrees F
1 tablespoon sugar
1 packet dry yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon garlic powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 1/2 cups flour (adjust as necessary)

In a bowl or mixer add the warm water and yeast and sugar and stir to dissolve the yeast
Add the olive oil, flour, and salt
Mix until the dough comes together
Remove the dough onto a floured surface
form into a smooth round ball

Place the dough into a greased bowl and cover with a clean towel. Place in a warm, draft free place for about 1 hour, or until it approximatley doubles in size. at this point you can roll it out and get your pizza goin' but like TB I also like to chill my dough in the fridge for atleast several hours or overnight.

Mojofied Marinara (for pizza or anything else ya want a good sauce for)

10-12 ripe roma or plum tomatos
1-2 onions
6 cloves of garlic the more the merrier
1 red cherry pepper
1 tsp naga flakes or fresh naga/bhut (or whatever other kind of heat you prefer)
olive oil
Fresh Basil
Fresh Oregano
Garlic Powder

Start by blanching the tomatos in boiling water. Let the tomatos cool, then peel them, slice them in half and Use a teaspoon to remove the seeds,
then squeeze the tomatos in a bowl catching all the juice.

Chop the onions, garlic and pepper really well, and start them frying in plenty of oil in a large pan.
While they're cooking, throw the tomatos into a blender and mostly puree, not completely, leave some chunks.

When the onions are starting to brown, or they're clear, probably about 5-10 minutes, start putting in the tomatos and stir well.
Let it simmer for a while, and put in whatever seasonings you like, in whatever amounts. I like plenty.
I also put in a couple teaspoons of sugar. I modify this recipe fairly often but this is the basics you can freeze whatever is leftover after you make your pizza then just thaw it out next time you need it.

Toppings today will be:
Artichoke hearts
Baby Portabella Mushrooms
Fresh Garlic
fresh roma tomato slices
and what ever else I come up with lol

Heres the Dough

Here it is on the stone, had a failure on keeping the round shape cause it stuck to the peel a bit when I slide it onto the stone (not pretty but its gonna taste good)

here it is in all its un-roundness ;) Thats not delivery!! thats D'Mojo lol

Chow Time! nothin fancy just good eatin' halloween cupcakes made earlier with the kid just waiting for some icing to be eaten for desert :D
Great new thread TB, you got that pro mixer goin there. Can't wait to see the outcomes from both of you. I'm goin in a different direction today, Chile Verde. Will be posting pics later on DC. You're right TB could be the perfect food and universally adaptable. :beer:
Pizza looks cheezy weezy WM. Watcha' got for teh heat on there?

chopped up some cherry peppers in the sauce and sprinkled in some dried Naga and about a 1/2 teaspoon of chopped fresh scorpion (scorp is making a cameo appreance in the top right hand corner of the dough pic)
Kinda hard to see all the stuff because theres a layer of cheese over the artichokes and mushrooms

I layered it like this:
'shrooms and artichokes and naga flakes
another layer of cheese
tomato slices

Not a very epic pizza but it was what I planning to make today anyway , so it was cool to find this thread posted this morning.
This all hit me by surprise. Coincidentally I'm making pizza right now, but I am ashamed to admit I am violating several of the rules.
I'm using raw pizza dough from a local bakery and pre-made sauce. adding secret ingredients to be revealed when I get all up in this thread.
No heat tonight. This one is for the wife and kids.
Wicked, that looks great.
TB, cant wait to see the rest!

Pizza is a staple around here, and homemade dough and sauce are usually included. Just not tonight.
Thanks TB for getting this ball rolling!
This all hit me by surprise. Coincidentally I'm making pizza right now, but I am ashamed to admit I am violating several of the rules.
I'm using raw pizza dough from a local bakery and pre-made sauce. adding secret ingredients to be revealed when I get all up in this thread.
No heat tonight. This one is for the wife and kids.
Wicked, that looks great.
TB, cant wait to see the rest!

Pizza is a staple around here, and homemade dough and sauce are usually included. Just not tonight.
Thanks TB for getting this ball rolling!

Banana leaves and foo foo are welcome. Odd....why do I think of you making a pizza with rum sauce?
Here 'tis ya'll. I pulled the dough and let it warm up to room temp for about 2 hours. Fired up mrs. blues gas grill and the stone and then handied the dough. No rolling pin here, although I have a mac daddy pin I love to use. I sauteed up some chantrelle mushrooms to top along with some sun dried toms, thin sliced habs and some roasted garlic which I always have on hand. Here's teh chaos...

Ready to party...


After docking the dough, I brushed with olive oil in lieu of sauce and then added the toppings and a little bit of low fat shredded mozz...


Took about 8 minutes for this 10 inch pie...


Crust was crisp but not quite as chewy as I like it. The sun drieds really came out nice but the chantrelles were a touch bland as I was sparse on the salt when I sauteed them. The cheese was okay. I should have gone with the goat cheese which I had originally planned. The heat, I could and should have doubled up on the habs, having used only two but still overall pretty tasty...


So that's it. Take out pizza is good in a pinch or after many brewhaha's but nothing and I mean NOTHING beats making your own. You don't have to be any super wombat cook or chef to do it, it's as easy as it gets. And it can be healthy too!! So ya'll come on and get down brown and get your mojo workin' on your own brand of pizzafication!

Cheers ya'll, TB.
That pizza looks very tasty TB. I use to buy some Borboleta pizza dough and put my own stuff on it, that was pretty tasty. :dance:
Those look like some tasty pie, never tried making homemade. Guess maybe I'll have to give that a try one of these days.